Tuesday 18 May 2021

Sweet Potato & Lychee Curry

Sweet Potato & Lychee Curry

Here is the recipe: serves 2- need to work out the points for it

1 Onion finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic sliced
1 tbsp green curry paste
290 ml coconut milk (use low fat version?)
1 tsp sugar
300g peeled and cubed sweet potato
400g tinned lychees- cut in halves
handful of coriander

1) use spray oil or tblsp of oil and add onion, cook till soft but not coloured. Add garlic- fry until lightly browned
2) Add green curry paste and gradually blend in the coconut milk and sugar (need consistency of single cream)
3) bring to the boil. Add sweet potato and simmer until it begins softening. Add lychees. Simmer until potato completely cooked
4) stir in handful of chopped coriander and serve


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