Tuesday 18 May 2021

Healthy Winter Soup

Healthy Winter Soup

Serves 4

410g chopped tomato 
1 onion, finely chopped 
1 chilli, finely chopped, deseeded 
1 carrot, finely chopped 
1 celery stick 
200g garden peas 
410g cannellini beans 
Splash of Worcester sauce
750mL veg stock
1tbsp sweetener

Cut all the veg to size, spray a deep saucepan with fry Light and add the onion, celery, carrot & chilli, cook until soft, add the beans, tomato & peas and stock, bring to a boil then reduce the heat & simmer for 150 mins. Add the peas and the Worcester sauce, and season with salt & pepper, simmer for a further 5 mins.
This soup is better when reheated.

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