Tuesday 18 May 2021

Pasta and Meatballs

Pasta and Meatballs.


This is originally a Nigella Lawson recipe, but I have adapted it to a little leaner Version

Mix your mince with 3 tbsp grated Parmesan, 3 tbsp Polenta, Semolina or Breadcrumbs, salt pepper and oregano and roll into little balls.

Mince up 1 onion 1 glove of garlic and sweat off on medium heat add a bottle of Passata and this bottle again half filled with water and let it simmer to reduce slightly for 10 Mins or so. Check seasoning salt, pepper a little oregano then add about 300 ml Skimmed Milk (see Nigella uses full fat) stir and drop in your meatballs now do not stir again as the meatballs will fall apart. cover pan with lid and let the whole lot simmer for 20 Mins, check if done adjust seasoning serve to crowd - nice with Tagliatelle.

I like this recipe as it is easier to point a meatball works out approx a point to a point and a half depending on how big you make them. 

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