Tuesday 18 May 2021

Haddock in Curry sauce

Haddock in Curry sauce

This meal is really tasty and cheap to make and has a nice tangy sweet curried flavour. 

It makes 2 servings and freezes well.

Fry one red onion , one chopped apple and some garlic in one teaspoon of oil. Add (in no particular order) one can of chopped tomatoes, a desert spoon of tomato puree, a teaspoon of branston sandwich pickle, a heaped teaspoon of curry powder or tandoori powder, some fresh coriander, salt and pepper . Mix well and simmer for 20 mins - 5 mins before cooking time is up add some chopped white fish (I use haddock - 1 small fillet) and cover. When fish is cooked through serve half the curry with a medium portion of brown rice. Its roughly 5 points with the rice - Lovely !! And you can add as much spice as you want, fresh chillis would be a good addition if you like it HOT !


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