Tuesday 18 May 2021

Pasta n Sauce quiche

Pasta n Sauce quiche

1 packet of 'free' pasta n sauce

Mixed veggies, I use speed veggies

4 eggs

1 tub of cottage cheese or quark (optional)

1 Tomato.


Cook the pasta'n'sauce as the packet say's (but the amount of milk, change to water) with the veggies added to the pan and cooked at the same time... If you are using frozen veggies, reduce the amount of water a little.

When cooked, put into a flan dish or cassarole dish, add 4 eggs....sounds a lot, but it needs 4! You can also add the cottage cheese or quark now.

Slice the tomato and put on the top.

Cook for about 25 minutes at about 200. until it is set.

Nice hot or cold.


Free on a Slimming World green day.

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