Tuesday 18 May 2021

Salmon poached in Saffron Broth


Salmon poached in Saffron Broth

pinch saffron threads
1/4 cup white wine
1 teasp olive oil
1/2 small leek sliced
1 garlic clove sliced
3 tblsp finely sliced fennel

1 bay leaf
pinch red pepper flakes
1 piece orange peel
1/2 cup stock

2 ripe tomatoes
1 salmon steak
sea salt

green beans

Soak saffron in wine

Heat oil and saute leek, garlic and fennel til soft.

Add bayleaf, red pepper flakes,piece orange peel and stock. Simmer 3 mins.

Mix in tomatoes, lay fish on top, pinch of sea salt, cover and simmer 5-6 mins with more stock if required.

While fish cooks cook green beans to taste and put on plate. Top with fish and spoon sauce over.


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