Tuesday 18 May 2021

Chinese Take-Away Style Chicken and Tomato

Chinese Take-Away Style Chicken and Tomato

From the kitchen of WIGGIE2620

Servings | 2
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 3

2 Chicken Breasts (chopped into chunks) ~ or half a pack of Quorn chicken style pieces
1 tsp Sesame Seed Oil
6 Tomatoes (chopped into quarters)
1 Large Onion
2 tsp Oyster Sauce
4 tsp Tomato purée
2 tsp Rice Wine Vinegar
7 Shot Glasses of Hot Water (or there abouts)

Heat the sesame oil in a wok. Add in the onions and stir fry for 1 min. Then add in the chicken (or Quorn) and stir-fry until cooked through. Toss in the tomatoes and cook for around 2 mins stirring occasionally. Mix the hot water, oyster sauce, tomato purée and rice vinegar in a cup and pour over the chicken and tomatoes in the pan and reduce on a low heat. Stir occasionally until you are left with a saucy consistency. Serve with fluffy boiled rice and salt and pepper!

I find 60g white rice with this dish is more then enough to fill even me up!

Remember, using Quorn instead of chicken will knock off a whole point from this meal, leaving it at only 5 points per serving! INCLUDING RICE!

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