Tuesday 18 May 2021

Butternut Squash Chicken Curry

Butternut Squash Chicken Curry

Serves 4

425g or ½ of a butternut squash 
1 onion, chopped 
1tsp “very lazy” garlic
1tsp “very Lazy” ginger
1tsp cumin
1tsp turmeric
1tsp coriander
1tsp garam masala
1tsp madras curry powder 
1Kg chicken, pre-cooked, chopped into cubes 
750mL chicken stock
400g Chopped Tomatoes 

Chop up the butternut squash into small cubes; leave the skin on, extra fibre!

Spray a large saucepan with Fry Light and add chopped onion, ginger & garlic, cook for 7 mins. 

Add butternut squash, madras curry powder and chicken stock, cook for 40 mins, with a lid on the pan, remove from the heat and liquidize with a hand blender. 

Place back on heat and add cumin, turmeric and coriander, cook for 1 min, add tomato and chicken, cook for 20 mins or until chicken has been cooked through. Add garam masala 5 min before serving.
Serve on a bed of rice with a side salad.


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