Tuesday 18 May 2021

Roasted garlic yogurt dip

Roasted garlic yogurt dip

Cut the top off a whole bulb of garlic and drizzle with about 1/2 tsp olive oil. Wrap loosely in foil, then bake in the oven at 180C/gas 4 for about 30 mins, or until the garlic is really soft. Cool, then squeeze the roasted garlic puree out of the papery skins, ma***** all up, then stir into 2 x 150g pots of 0% fat Greek yoghurt (or you can substitute fromage frais). Stir in some snipped chives and seasoning to taste. 2.5 pts for the whole lot, and it makes quite a bit. Don't worry about the amount of garlic - it goes quite mellow when it's cooked like this.

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