Tuesday 18 May 2021

Butternut Muffins

Butternut Muffins

I thought I'd share this recipe that I came across at the weekend. I've worked the points out to be 42 for the recipe and 2 1/2 pts per muffin. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm off to get the stuff tomorrow to give them a go.

Makes 16 muffins

100g butternut squash, peeled & chopped
100g courgettes, grated
250g onions, grated
100g red pepper, finely diced
100g spinach, shredded or broccoli, finely chopped
100g tinned sweetcorn, drained
75ml veg oil
225g half fat cheddar cheese
Salt and black pepper
225g self raising white flour, sifted
4 eggs

Steam the butternut squash for 10 - 15 mins til tender. Mash and set aside. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180*C, 350*F, gas mark 4 and spray a 16 hole muffin tin.

Place the courgettes, onions, red pepper, spinach or broccoli and sweetcorn in a mixing bowl with the oil, grate the cheese in and season to taste. Fold the flour in, then the mashed butternut squash.

Whisk the eggs till frothy, then fold them into the veg mixture and spoon it into the muffin tin. Bake the muffins for 20 - 25 mins till slightly risen and brown.

Let the muffins cool thorougly before removing them from the tins.

The way I worked the points out was: 11 1/2 pts for the flour, 1 pt for the sweetcorn, 11 1/2 pts for the veg oil, 12 pts for the cheese and 6 pts for the eggs. If I'm wrong, please let me know cos I'll be making (and eating) some tomorrow.

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