Tuesday 18 May 2021

Scan Bran Minced Pies

Scan Bran Minced Pies


2 Syn each on red and green (recipe makes approximately 24)


    24 Scan bran

    2 eggs

    2 level tbsp mixed spice

    1 level tbsp sweetener

    6 level tbsp mincemeat

    Fry light


Preheat oven to 180*c

Break Scan Bran into small pieces and pour over some boiling water to soften.

Break up with a fork and add additional water if some pieces remain hard

Beat the eggs and mix in the mixed spice and sweetener. Pour oven the soft Scan Bran, mincemeat and mix well.

Spray Fry Light onto a baking sheet. Form the mixture into 24 rounds with 2 spoons and bake for 45 minutes. When cooled, enjoy!

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