Tuesday 18 May 2021

Cheesy Grilled Pepper Baked Potato

Cheesy Grilled Pepper Baked Potato

Cook half a red and half a yellow de-seeded pepper under a hot grill. Allow to cool and then peel them.

Chop the peppers up and mix with 1oz very low fat cheese, (or cottage cheese or quark) 1 tsp of oregano or coriander and salt and pepper.

Cut a baked potato in half and scoop out the flesh. Mix the pepper mixture with the potato flesh and spoon back into skin. Pop under the grill for1-2 mins.

Slimming world = free plus 'b' choice for cheese or free if using quark or cottage cheese on the green plan. Same on the red, but rememeber to have the potato as a 'b' or sins.

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