Tuesday 18 May 2021

Ranch style eggs

Ranch style eggs

Loads of chopped mushrooms and peppers (any colour will do)
Chopped red onion
chilli flakes
can of chopped toms
egg (per person)
tom puree
tom ketchup
small can of kid beans.

The reason I havent put quantities down is that you can make your own mind up.

Spray fry the onion till softened. Add the garlic, 'shrooms and peppers, when soft add the chopped toms a splash of tabasco the chillis, a blob of tom ketchup (the sugar in this takes the acidity out of the toms) and the kidney beans, season and cook until thickens.

When ready to serve (tonight I'm doing potato wedges in spray oil) poach an egg per person. Sprinkle with chopped coriander (or barts coriander as I'm making do with tonight) and serve over rice or pot wedges and sit the egg on top. The points depends on how many people it serves but the only stuff to point is the egg and kidney beans

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