Tuesday 18 May 2021

Butternut Squash, Red Pepper and Soft Cheese Soup

Butternut Squash, Red Pepper and Soft Cheese Soup

Serves 4-6

0pp per serving without cheese/1pp per serving with cheese (both pointing and on F&H)

Fry light

1 Large Onion, diced

1 Butternut Squash, peeled (some don’t peel it but I prefer it peeled), deseeded and cubed

2 Red Peppers, diced

1 Vegetable Stock Pot made up with 1 litre of hot water

Salt and Pepper

100g Extra Light Philadelphia (if using)

Handful of Chives, chopped

Spray a large saucepan with fry light

Add the onion and cook for about 3 minutes until soft

Add the butternut squash, red pepper and vegetable stock and heat until simmering.

Partially cover and cook gently for about 25 minutes until the vegetables are tender.

Let cool and then blend. If you are using Extra Light Philadelphia then add it now. Return saucepan to heat and add 1/2 the chopped chives and season to taste.

Serve with the rest of the chives to garnish 

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