Tuesday 18 May 2021



Here is a favourite receipt of mine for risotto, from week 3 of the ww booklets (the last ones I think) Hope you enjoy.

1 tsp olive oil
½ onion, chopped
1/3 cup arborio rice
2 cups boiling water
2 tsp chicken stock (I use 1 oxo chicken stock cube)
½ cup sliced mushrooms
½ small bunch asparagus, chopped and blanched
4 sun-dried tomatoes (not packed in oil) - refreshed in boiling water and sliced
1 average serve parmesan cheese, grated

Heat oil in a non-stick frypan and saute onion until soft. Stir through rice and cook for 1-2 minutes. Add chicken stock and sufficient boiling water to cover the rise. Simmer for 15-20 minutes, gradually adding extra water as liquid is absorbed. When the rice is tender but still firm to the bite stir through the sliced mushrooms until softened. Fold through the asparagus, sun-dried tomatoes and parmesan cheese until warmed. Serve.
Serves 1 @ 5 points

Ranch style eggs

Ranch style eggs

Loads of chopped mushrooms and peppers (any colour will do)
Chopped red onion
chilli flakes
can of chopped toms
egg (per person)
tom puree
tom ketchup
small can of kid beans.

The reason I havent put quantities down is that you can make your own mind up.

Spray fry the onion till softened. Add the garlic, 'shrooms and peppers, when soft add the chopped toms a splash of tabasco the chillis, a blob of tom ketchup (the sugar in this takes the acidity out of the toms) and the kidney beans, season and cook until thickens.

When ready to serve (tonight I'm doing potato wedges in spray oil) poach an egg per person. Sprinkle with chopped coriander (or barts coriander as I'm making do with tonight) and serve over rice or pot wedges and sit the egg on top. The points depends on how many people it serves but the only stuff to point is the egg and kidney beans

Pasta and Meatballs

Pasta and Meatballs.


This is originally a Nigella Lawson recipe, but I have adapted it to a little leaner Version

Mix your mince with 3 tbsp grated Parmesan, 3 tbsp Polenta, Semolina or Breadcrumbs, salt pepper and oregano and roll into little balls.

Mince up 1 onion 1 glove of garlic and sweat off on medium heat add a bottle of Passata and this bottle again half filled with water and let it simmer to reduce slightly for 10 Mins or so. Check seasoning salt, pepper a little oregano then add about 300 ml Skimmed Milk (see Nigella uses full fat) stir and drop in your meatballs now do not stir again as the meatballs will fall apart. cover pan with lid and let the whole lot simmer for 20 Mins, check if done adjust seasoning serve to crowd - nice with Tagliatelle.

I like this recipe as it is easier to point a meatball works out approx a point to a point and a half depending on how big you make them. 

Chicken and Chutney

Chicken and Chutney

Make an envelope in a chicken breast and spread a little tomato based chutney (the more alcoholic the better!!!) top with basil leaves and wrap in 2 rashers of bacon with the fat cut off. Chop some of your fav veggies into inch (ish) cubes and put them in a little roasting tin... I used red onion, courgette, tomato and red pepper. Place the chicken breast directly on top, season everything and roast on 180 dgrees C for 30 - 40 mins. (5 points)

American pancakes

American pancakes.

packet Scotch pancakes from supermarkets bakery depts tend to be only 1/2 point each. Maple syrup is very low in points, serve 3 in a stack with low fat ice cream and three tablespoons of syrup, you can heat the pancakes in the microwave, so you don't need to use fat! Very quick & easy and it feels like you are really being naughty! 

Should be 3 1/2 to 4 points.



225g frozen broad beans
225g frozen corn (or one can, drained)
25g unsalted butter
100ml single or double cream
2 teaspoons finely chopped parsley

Cook beans in boiling salted water for 7-10 mins or until just tender. Drain and set aside. Put corn, butter and 4 tbsps water into a pan and heat through to thaw and heat frozen corn for 4-5 mins. Drain thoroughly. Return corn to pan and add cream and parsley and keep hot. Remove skins from broad beans and add to corn mixture. Stir gently and warm through on a low heat, do not allow cream to boil or it will curdle. Add parsley and a little salt if needed. Serve with extra parsley sprinkled over.

I think this would be ok with elmlea light cream and maybe leave out the butter? I can remember serving this with roast chicken years ago and it was very well received. I quite fancy it on a load of mashed potatoes

Butternut Muffins

Butternut Muffins

I thought I'd share this recipe that I came across at the weekend. I've worked the points out to be 42 for the recipe and 2 1/2 pts per muffin. I haven't tried them yet, but I'm off to get the stuff tomorrow to give them a go.

Makes 16 muffins

100g butternut squash, peeled & chopped
100g courgettes, grated
250g onions, grated
100g red pepper, finely diced
100g spinach, shredded or broccoli, finely chopped
100g tinned sweetcorn, drained
75ml veg oil
225g half fat cheddar cheese
Salt and black pepper
225g self raising white flour, sifted
4 eggs

Steam the butternut squash for 10 - 15 mins til tender. Mash and set aside. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 180*C, 350*F, gas mark 4 and spray a 16 hole muffin tin.

Place the courgettes, onions, red pepper, spinach or broccoli and sweetcorn in a mixing bowl with the oil, grate the cheese in and season to taste. Fold the flour in, then the mashed butternut squash.

Whisk the eggs till frothy, then fold them into the veg mixture and spoon it into the muffin tin. Bake the muffins for 20 - 25 mins till slightly risen and brown.

Let the muffins cool thorougly before removing them from the tins.

The way I worked the points out was: 11 1/2 pts for the flour, 1 pt for the sweetcorn, 11 1/2 pts for the veg oil, 12 pts for the cheese and 6 pts for the eggs. If I'm wrong, please let me know cos I'll be making (and eating) some tomorrow.

Salmon with a dry rub

Salmon with a dry rub

Not a sauce - but a spicy dry rub (got it from the WW recipe archive). For 2 salmon fillets:

1/2 tbsp chilli powder (sounds a lot but its not that hot)
1/2 tbsp paprika
1/2 tbsp cumin
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp oregano
pinch salt and pepper

Mix the dry spices together (I find easy if you stick them all in a freezer bag), drop the fillets in the bag and cover them completely with the spices. Then just spray each fillet with a little spray oil(to stop them burning) and stick under a grill. 3-4 mins each side. Really yummy. The rub is also nice with chicken

Cod fillet

Cod fillet

I took a piece of cod fillet, grated carrot over the top and chopped up some spring onions, sprinkled some chilli pepper and some salt and pepper over the top and some soya sauce and wrapped it in foil and baked it in the oven for about 30 minutes. I had it with a jacket potato and some salsa and salad

Sausage pasta

Sausage pasta

made a lovely pasta dish which was my own creation.

Fry 2 leeks (or onion) peppers, diced veg (I used carrots and swede) courgettes and mushrooms in a little fry lite. add 1 tin of tomatoes 1 stock cube, chilli (fresh or sauce) and mixed herbs.
Add low fat sausages chopped up ( I used bgty 2 per person and cooked them in the oven first).Also added a little sugar to give the sweet and sour taste. Serve with pasta or jacket spud.

Tuna melts


Tuna melts


They're really tasty and easy to make. Mix together tuna, soft cheese, and worcester sauce. spread the mixture on two slices of bread (already toasted on one side) and shove it under the grill 'till it turns brown. yummy. Alternatively put it in a jacket potato and grill it.

Butternut squash


Butternut squash

First you get a very sharp knife and chop it up a bit I usually do about 1.5-2 inch chunks then chop off the skin and once you get to the seeds scoop these out and throw away.

Now you can make all sorts--

Try roasting it like potatoes with spray fry it taste slightly sweet and is a nice alternative to roast potatoes.

You can to***** in garlic and herbs or cajun spice to change the taste too. I like it roasted with parnishs, or small amount of potatoes, carrots, red onions and courgets with a few cherry tomatoes


Boil with carrots and its a nice mash type dish

Add to onions, celery, carrotts and veggie stock for a nice soup

For a curry type dish add with califlower, to fryed onions, fresh mixed peppers and mushrooms then mix in some curry paste with a bit of stock or water and its a nice alternative to veggie curry.
If you don't make this too watery its nice in a pitta bread at lunchtime -- I found this out as using the leftovers up.





I always buy the un-cooked ones as well - they're much cheaper, easier to store in the cupboard, and are great for a quick low point snack if you've got the munchies (2 big poppadoms for 1 pt). All you need to do is pop 2 in the microwave on high for 1 minute, and that's it!!

Haddock in Curry sauce

Haddock in Curry sauce

This meal is really tasty and cheap to make and has a nice tangy sweet curried flavour. 

It makes 2 servings and freezes well.

Fry one red onion , one chopped apple and some garlic in one teaspoon of oil. Add (in no particular order) one can of chopped tomatoes, a desert spoon of tomato puree, a teaspoon of branston sandwich pickle, a heaped teaspoon of curry powder or tandoori powder, some fresh coriander, salt and pepper . Mix well and simmer for 20 mins - 5 mins before cooking time is up add some chopped white fish (I use haddock - 1 small fillet) and cover. When fish is cooked through serve half the curry with a medium portion of brown rice. Its roughly 5 points with the rice - Lovely !! And you can add as much spice as you want, fresh chillis would be a good addition if you like it HOT !


Roasted garlic yogurt dip

Roasted garlic yogurt dip

Cut the top off a whole bulb of garlic and drizzle with about 1/2 tsp olive oil. Wrap loosely in foil, then bake in the oven at 180C/gas 4 for about 30 mins, or until the garlic is really soft. Cool, then squeeze the roasted garlic puree out of the papery skins, ma***** all up, then stir into 2 x 150g pots of 0% fat Greek yoghurt (or you can substitute fromage frais). Stir in some snipped chives and seasoning to taste. 2.5 pts for the whole lot, and it makes quite a bit. Don't worry about the amount of garlic - it goes quite mellow when it's cooked like this.

0 pt Mexican tomato salsa

0 pt Mexican tomato salsa

Peel a whole load of tomatoes ( cut a small cross in the base of each one, place in a bowl, cover with boiling water for 1 minute then drain - this loosens the skins). Quarter and deseed them, then roughly chop the flesh. Mix with 1/2 finely chopped red onion, juice of 1 lime and plenty of chopped fresh coriander leaves.

0 pt roasted pepper salsa

0 pt roasted pepper salsa

Pop a red and yellow pepper in the oven on a baking tray, and roast for about 20 mins at 200C/gas 6, until quite blackened and blistered. Put the peppers in a bowl, cover with a plate and leave to cool. Peel off the skin (it will come away very easily), get rid of the seeds, then chop the flesh finely and put back in the bowl with the lovely juices that have come out of the peppers as they cooled. Mix in a handful of chopped cherry tomatoes and some fresh basil (or parsley). Serve at room temperature. This is also great as a salsa to go with plain grilled chicken/pork/tuna etc.

Sweet Potato & Lychee Curry

Sweet Potato & Lychee Curry

Here is the recipe: serves 2- need to work out the points for it

1 Onion finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic sliced
1 tbsp green curry paste
290 ml coconut milk (use low fat version?)
1 tsp sugar
300g peeled and cubed sweet potato
400g tinned lychees- cut in halves
handful of coriander

1) use spray oil or tblsp of oil and add onion, cook till soft but not coloured. Add garlic- fry until lightly browned
2) Add green curry paste and gradually blend in the coconut milk and sugar (need consistency of single cream)
3) bring to the boil. Add sweet potato and simmer until it begins softening. Add lychees. Simmer until potato completely cooked
4) stir in handful of chopped coriander and serve


Sticky chicken with mango and tomato salsa

Sticky chicken with mango and tomato salsa

Serves 4
220 cals, 1.5g sat fat = 3.5pts, but I think it's actually more like 5 pts per serving based on points

4 chicken legs, skin removed (see below)
1 x 284ml pot buttermilk (N.B. for nutritional purposes, most of this is discarded)
2 heaped teaspoons Dijon mustard
3 cloves garlic, crushed
2 tbsp runny honey
1 dessertspoon grain mustard
salt and freshly milled black pepper

For the mango and tomato salsa:
1 large ripe mango, peeled and diced
110g (4oz) cherry tomatoes, quartered
1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
grated zest and juice 1 lime

Pull the skin off the chicken legs (using kitchen paper to grip the skin will make life easier), then cut several slashes in each chicken leg. Mix the buttermilk, Dijon mustard and garlic with some seasoning, then add the chicken. Cover and marinate in the fridge for at least 4 hours, or overnight if you can.
When you are ready to cook the chicken, preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6, or light the barbecue. Mix the honey and grain mustard together. Lift the chicken legs out of the buttermilk, wipe off the excess and discard the marinade. To cook in the oven, place on a baking tray and cook for 10 minutes, then brush liberally with the honey mustard mixture and cook for a further 10-15 minutes until the chicken juices run clear. If barbecuing, let the chicken cook for 8-10 minutes on each side, or until almost cooked through, then brush with the honey mustard baste and cook for a further 2-3 minutes each side– any longer and the honey is likely to burn.
While the chicken is cooking, simply mix the salsa ingredients together with some seasoning. Serve the salsa with the chicken, either hot, straight from the oven or barbecue, or cold, for a picnic (but make sure you take a damp cloth for sticky fingers!)

YOu could also use chicken breasts to make it lower in points, but not quite as moist and scrummy.



Serves 6
188 cals and 0.6g sat fat = 3 pts each

2 teaspoons olive oil
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 x 350g bag young leaf spinach
freshly grated nutmeg
1 x 250g tub Quark
10g (1/2oz) freshly grated Parmesan
1 x 290g pack Italian pizza base mix
1 x 290g jar mixed pepper antipasto
milk to glaze
salt and freshly ground black pepper

You will also need a large baking sheet, lightly greased.

Preheat the oven to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Heat the oil in a pan, add the onion and fry until golden brown and softened. Remove to a plate, turn up the heat and add the spinach to the pan and let it wilt down. Squeeze out any excess liquid, then chop roughly and mix together with the onions, nutmeg and plenty of seasoning. Spread out on a plate to cool.
Mix the Quark and Parmesan together with some seasoning.
Tip both sachets of pizza base mix into a mixing bowl and add 200-250ml (7-9 fl oz) warm water to give a soft but not sticky dough. Knead for 5 minutes on a floured surface until smooth and springy then divide in two and roll each piece out to a circle about 30cm (12-in) in diameter. Transfer 1 circle to the baking sheet and spread the spinach over the base, leaving a 2.5cm (1-in) border. Roughly spread the Quark mixture on top, then add the pepper antipasto as the final layer. Brush the border with water and lift the second dough circle on top. Pinch the edges to seal and roll them up in towards the centre, so it looks like a huge pasty. Cover with a clean cloth and leave to rest while the oven preheats to 200°C, 400°F, gas mark 6. Brush the tortino with milk to glaze, then bake for 30 minutes until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool, then wrap in foil to take on a picnic. Serve cut into wedges.



- 250g oatbran
- 50g raisins
- 50g soft brown sugar
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 290ml skimmed milk
- 2 egg whites
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil


1. Preheat oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7.

2. Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.

3. Mix the milk, egg and oil together, and pour into the dry ingredients. Mix well. Leave to stand for 5 minutes to allow the oats to absorb some of the liquid.

4. Bake for 12-15 minutes or until pale brown.

Suitable for freezing (defrost for 20secs in microwave).

Turkey stroganoff

Turkey stroganoff

serves 4 185 cals. 3 points per serving

Garlic low fat cooking spray. (I haven't seen this, will use plain and maybe add garlic myself
1lb turkey stir fry strips
1 onion, finely chopped
7 oz sliced mushrooms
6 tbsp half fat creme fraiche
100ml (3 1/2 oz) skimmed milk
2 tsp dijon mustard
salt and pepper
paprika to garnish

Fry turkey strips in low fat spray until browned
Add onion and mushrooms and continue to fry until cooked.
Add rest of ingredients and stir well to form a sauce. Heat through and serve with a sprinkling of paprika on top to add colour.
Serve with rice (don't forget to add points.)

Orange and Mustard chicken

Orange and Mustard chicken.

serves 1. 300 cals, 5 points.

2 medium parsnips, peeled and thinly sliced
1x150g (5 1/2 oz) boneless skinless chicken breast
1 tsp coarse grain mustard
2 tsp reduced sugar orange marmalade
1 tbsp low-fat fromage frais
1 tsp chopped fresh chives or parsley
salt and pepper

Preheat grill to med/hot.
Cook parsnips in boiling water for 15 mins or until tender
Meanwhile place chicken upper side face down in a foil lined grill tray. Season with salt and pepper. Grill for 8-10 mins or untilchicken is tender, then turn chicken over and spread on mustard and marmalade. Cook for a further 8-10 mins or until cooked and the glaze has turned a deep golden colour.
Drain the cooked parsnips. mash with fromage frais and chives or parsley. Slice the chicken and serve piled on top of the mash, and plenty of free veg.
I think I'll either do a nice garlic and olive oil potato mash, and possibly add some butternut squash if I'm feeling adventurous. (I don't like parsnips)

Salmon poached in Saffron Broth


Salmon poached in Saffron Broth

pinch saffron threads
1/4 cup white wine
1 teasp olive oil
1/2 small leek sliced
1 garlic clove sliced
3 tblsp finely sliced fennel

1 bay leaf
pinch red pepper flakes
1 piece orange peel
1/2 cup stock

2 ripe tomatoes
1 salmon steak
sea salt

green beans

Soak saffron in wine

Heat oil and saute leek, garlic and fennel til soft.

Add bayleaf, red pepper flakes,piece orange peel and stock. Simmer 3 mins.

Mix in tomatoes, lay fish on top, pinch of sea salt, cover and simmer 5-6 mins with more stock if required.

While fish cooks cook green beans to taste and put on plate. Top with fish and spoon sauce over.


Mushroom Fajitas

Mushroom Fajitas

Place mushrooms and garlic to a baking dish. Add fajitas seasoning mix and water. Bake in the oven for about 30 mins. When done fill a tortilla with some of the drained mushrooms, salsa sauce, half fat soured cream, lettuce, chopped tomatoes and onion. Plus grated cheese if desired.


You could make your own 0 point salsa.

Either skin and deseed some tomatos or use canned ones
put in some chopped chilli
very finely chopped red onion
some lime juice
a handful of fresh chopped corriander

And thats it. Leave it in a bowl in the fridge or just covered for a
few hours to really improve the flavour - it's delish!






350g Rhubarb – trimmed and cut into chunks (nil points)
1 sachet raspberry or strawberry jelly (sugar free) (nil points)
2 tablespoons artificial sweetner (nil points)
150g pot low fat ready to serve custard (2 points)

Put the rhubarb and ½ pint water into a saucepan to boil
Cover and simmer for 15 minutes (until tender)
Stir in the jelly – mix well.
Add another ¼ pint of boiling water and simmer for 2 more minutes
Remove from heat and whisk in the sweetner and custard.
Cool in the fridge until set.

If you fancy a change or if you don't like rhubarb (which we all
have to like as it is FREE in points !!) exclude the rhubarb and try just the jelly and custard

Chunky leek & Potato soup

Chunky leek & Potato soup

Sin free on SW Green Plan

1/2 pound potatoes
1 pint water
1 Leek
1 clove of garlic
1/2 medium onion
1/2 teaspoon yeast extract
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 bay leaf
1/4 teaspoon caraway seed
1 stick of celery

Peel and cube the potatoes Place in a large bowl with the cold water. Leave to one side. Top and tail the leeks, then slice into chunks. Wash in a bowl of cold water, drain and rinse Leave to drain in a colander.

Finely chop the onion. Saute the garlic and onions in a large saucepan in the Frylight until tender. Add the potatoes and the water they have been sitting in.

Increase the heat bringing the liquid to a rolling boil Add the yeast extract. Stir well, reduce heat and add the leeks, black pepper, bay leaves and caraway seed. Stir well for 1-2 minutes.

 Add the celery to the soup and simmer for a further 15 minutes. Serve hot.

Half a Sin Goulash for one (slow cooker)

Half a Sin Goulash for one (slow cooker)


8oz stewing beef (any visible fat removed)

1 small onion chopped

1 small green pepper chopped

2 teaspoons paprika

1 tablespoon tomato puree [0.5 sin]

7oz of tinned chopped tomatoes

some very low fat natural yoghurt


Put the beef onion and pepper in the slow cooker

Mix the paprika, puree and tomatoes together and pour over the meat.

Cook for 8-10 hours

Just before serving stir in some yoghurt.



1/2 a sin on SW Red day.

Cheesy Egg Spread


Cheesy Egg Spread

4 x hard boiled eggs

8oz very low fat cottage cheese

3tbsp reduced calorie salad cream (3 sins)

1oz reduced fat red Leicester cheese, grated (3 1/2 sins or part of healthy extra)

Mustard & cress to garnish

1. Chop the eggs and mash with the cottage cheese & salad cream.

2. Stir in the grated cheese. Garnish with the mustard & cress.


Serve as a sandwich filling; on toast or crispbreads; or as a topping for a jacket potato.

Bacon wrapped Chicken

Bacon wrapped Chicken


Per person:


1 chicken breast

1 laughing cow light cheese triangle (1.5 sins)

chopped spring onion

crushed garlic

finely chopped mushrooms (optional)

2 or 3 slices bacon - all fat removed


mix spring onion, garlic and mushrooms together with cheese spread.  Make a slit in thick side of chicken breast and stuff with mixture.  Stretch the bacon with the back  of a knife and use to wrap around chicken.  Wrap in tinfoil and bake at 180*c for about 30 minutes, until chicken cooked through.


1.5 sins per serving on red

Maybe Chicken Chow Mein

Maybe Chicken Chow Mein

serves 2:


250g packet chinese egg noodles

225g cooked chicken (use as healthy b)

packet mixed stir fry vegetables

1 clove garlic, crushed

2 tbsp soy sauce

2 tbsp dry sherry (2 sins)

1tsp ground ginger


Cook noodles as per pack instructions.  Spray wok with frylight and reheat chicken.  Add vegetables, noodles and the remaining ingrediants.  Heat through, stirring frequently, until piping hot.


1 sin per serving on green

Chicken Broccoli and Pasta Gratin

Chicken Broccoli and Pasta Gratin


Thankyou to a certain Mr Gary Rhodes for this recipe - adapted ever so slightly to fit in with the SW plan!


serves 4


400g skinned, boned cooked chicken (use healthy b)

225g broccoli florets

175g (raw weight) pasta shapes - fusilli is best

2 sticks celery, thinly sliced

300ml passata

28g slice wholemeal bread (3 sins)

0.25 tsp dried mixed herbs


Make bread into breadcrumbs by using food processor.  Cook pasta according to pack instructions.  In another pan of water, cook broccoli and celery for about 5 mins until broccoli begins to soften.  Drain and refresh under cold water.


Put passata in large saucepan and simmer gently, trim fat from chicken, cut into bite sized pieces and add to passata with broccoli, celery and pasta and simmer for another 5-10 mins. 



Put mixture in shallow flameproof gratin dish, top with breadcrumbs and herbs and grill until sauce is bubbling and top is crunchy and golden.


Just under 1 sin per serving.

Chicken in Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Chicken in Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Free on Red 

(I used chicken thighs as they were on offer!)


Chicken pieces




Chicken Bovril

From Frais


Using Fry-Light fry off the chicken pieces - remove from pan & fry the garlic & onions.

When softened put the chicken back in & add the mushrooms plus the bovril & some water. Braise everything together until the chicken is cooked & the bovril reduced down then remove the chicken from the pan again. Remove the pan fron the heat & add a dollop or 2 of from frais the the mushroom & onion sauce then pour over the chicken.

Cheesy Grilled Pepper Baked Potato

Cheesy Grilled Pepper Baked Potato

Cook half a red and half a yellow de-seeded pepper under a hot grill. Allow to cool and then peel them.

Chop the peppers up and mix with 1oz very low fat cheese, (or cottage cheese or quark) 1 tsp of oregano or coriander and salt and pepper.

Cut a baked potato in half and scoop out the flesh. Mix the pepper mixture with the potato flesh and spoon back into skin. Pop under the grill for1-2 mins.

Slimming world = free plus 'b' choice for cheese or free if using quark or cottage cheese on the green plan. Same on the red, but rememeber to have the potato as a 'b' or sins.

Macaroni with creamy cheese sauce

Macaroni with creamy cheese sauce.

Serve 4-6

1lb (450g) Pasta shells

2 tubs of Quark, at room temperature

4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan or other medium-fat cheese

4-5 fl oz (100-150ml) skimmed milk at room temperature

Freshly ground black pepper

Cook pasta until al dente.

Meanwhile, process the quark, cheese and milk until very well combined. Scrape into a warm bowl.

Drain the pasta and immediately toss it into the cheese mixture.

Grind in some black pepper and serve at once.

Use the milk from your allowance and the cheese as a 'b' and the rest is free!

Pasta n Sauce quiche

Pasta n Sauce quiche

1 packet of 'free' pasta n sauce

Mixed veggies, I use speed veggies

4 eggs

1 tub of cottage cheese or quark (optional)

1 Tomato.


Cook the pasta'n'sauce as the packet say's (but the amount of milk, change to water) with the veggies added to the pan and cooked at the same time... If you are using frozen veggies, reduce the amount of water a little.

When cooked, put into a flan dish or cassarole dish, add 4 eggs....sounds a lot, but it needs 4! You can also add the cottage cheese or quark now.

Slice the tomato and put on the top.

Cook for about 25 minutes at about 200. until it is set.

Nice hot or cold.


Free on a Slimming World green day.

Pesto Sauce

Pesto Sauce

This is really easy and very tasty! It sounds mad, but believe me is a REALLY nice!!!  If anyone trys it, let me know what you think!

1 Tub of Quark

1 basil plant

2 Cloves of Garlic or more!

Black Pepper

Soy Sauce (light is best, but dark is fine)

1 oz strong cheese (optional)

  1. Wash off the Basil leaves and chop up. Peel the garlic.
  2. Put everything in a blender and blend until smooth.
  3. For 2 people, put half in a bowl in the fridge for 24 hours, the other half you can freeze.
  4. After 24 hours, check the consistency, it should be the thickness of double cream. Add more soy sauce if too thick.
  5. Cook pasta as normal and drain. Put back into the pan and add enough sauce to lightly coat the pasta. ( not too much, 250g dry pasta = 1-2 heaped tablespoons full of Pesto)

The flavour is very strong and you don’t need to add much sauce.

You will be amazed how like the real thing this is…even without oil and pine nuts!  It is also really nice if you mix in some peas and baby sweetcorn.

Sin’s = free on a green day

Use cheese as a ‘b’ or don’t use it at all.

Pasta Primavera


Pasta Primavera

This is out of the new Slimming World green cook book.



Small florets of broccoli and cauli

Baby sweetcorn

Carrots cut into thin matchstick; (I used a bag of frozen mixed carrots and swede)

6-8 spring onions cut into strips

1 big red pepper

200g tub of vlf fromage frais

150g tub of vlf natural yougurt

Juice and zest lemon

1 tablespoon fresh parsley

1 teaspoon of dried basil

Black pepper

Cook the pasta.

Slice the pepper, spray with frylight and put into a hot oven, roast for 20 minutes.

Steam  the veggies until tender.

While all that is cooking, mix together the fromage frais, yoghurt, juice and zest of lemon, parsley, basil and black pepper.

When the pasta is cooked, drain and put back into the pan, when veggies are cooked, add them to the pasta.... Don’t forget the pepper roasting in the oven like I almost did! Then mix in the sauce...EAT!


This is free on a green day and is also nice cold

Savoury Mushrooms


Savoury Mushrooms


2 very large open mushrooms

1x227g tinned chopped tomatoes

1x120g pkt Batchelors savoury mushroom rice

42g very low fat cheese (I use tesco mature 5)(from A or B option for 1 person)


Place each mushroom on square sheet tinfoil-turn up edges to make bowl shape around mushroom.

Spoon 1/2 tin toms onto each mushroom

Place on bake tray-cook 200c-20mins

Meanwhile cook rice as per instructions

Spoon cooked rice over m/rooms-return to oven for about 5 mins.

Remove-sprinkle grated cheese over top- grill for about 5 mins

Serve with salad

Murghi Tikka


Murghi Tikka
(marinated grilled chicken)

2 x 6oz (175g) chicken breasts
2oz (50g) onion (chopped)
1 cm fresh ginger (crushed)
2 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 green chilli
1 tablespoon low fat natural yoghurt
½ teaspoon chilli powder
¼ teaspoon Garam Masala
Pinch of ground mace
2 teaspoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons fresh coriander leaves
Pinch of low sodium salt

Serves 2

1. Wash, pat dry and skin the chicken breasts. Score them diagonally across in 3-4 places.
2. Combine the remaining ingredients in an electric blender until you have a smooth paste.
3. Spread the spice paste over the chicken pieces, rubbing it well into them. Refrigerate the chicken, preferably overnight, but if not for a least 2-3 hours before cooking.
4. Cook them under a hot grill for 4-5 minutes, then reduce the heat and continue cooking for another 15-20 minutes, turning them over halfway through. Ensure it is thoroughly cooked.

Mongolian beef and broccoli

Mongolian beef and broccoli

Serves 4

Propoint 7 per serving


2 tsp cornflour

3 tbsp plus 2 tsp soy sauce

2 tsp rice wine

4 tsp sesame oil

450 g sirloin steak, trimmed of fat, thinly sliced against the grain

¼ tsp sea salt

240 g broccoli florets

4 spring onion, cut into 2-3 cm, white and green separated

1 tbsp crushed fresh garlic

½ tsp crushed fresh ginger

2 heaped tbsp dark brown sugar

1 tbsp oyster sauce


In a shallow glass container, whisk together the cornflour, 2 tsp of the soy sauce, the rice wine and 1 tsp of sesame oil. Season the steak with salt, add to the marinade and turn to coat. Allow to sit at room temp for 30 min.

Bring a large pan of water to a rolling boil. Add the broccoli and cook until bright green and crisp-tender, about 1 min. Drain and run under cold water to stop cooking.

Heat a large non-stick wok over heat high. Add 1 tsp oil then half of the beef. Cook for 30 sec without stirring, flip and cook another 30 sec, moving the meat around until browned on all sides. Transfer to a plate and repeat with 1 tsp and the remaining beef.

Heat the last 1 tsp sesame oil in the wok and add the spring onion whites, garlic and ginger. Cook until fragrant, 30 sec. Add the broccoli, brown sugar, remaining 3 tbsp soy sauce and the oyster sauce and cook, stirring for 30 sec. Add the beef and cook, stirring for 30 sec. Remove from the heat, stir in the spring onion greens and serve.


Jaffa Cake


Jaffa Cake

Serves 8

3 pp per serving


1 flan case

2 orange jelly sachet made up with 1 pint

50 g chocolate


Make the jelly up with 1 pt water. Put in the fridge to set but check and stir every 15 min. Once its is starting to set pour into the case. Make sure it is thick or it will leak from the case.

Melt the chocolate. Let cool slightly and cover the jelly.

Big Mac in a bowl

Big Mac in a bowl


Fry extra lean mince with salt and pepper, and little garlic salt. Add chopped onion and fry until cooked.

In a bowl, layer iceberg lettuce, cucumber, gherkins, cherry tom, 1-2 slices of lighter cheese slices

Then add the mince and onion mixture and top with Kraft light thousand island dressing.

All F&H and 1pp per cheese slice and 1pp for 2 tbsp (30ml) dressing

Banana and oat muffin


Banana and oat muffin

5 pp for 4

Mash 1 banana, 30 g oats, mix in 1 egg, dash of milk, cinnamon and sweetener. Bake in muffin tray for 10-15 min

 I use silicone trays and a little spray oil.

Oxo roasties


Oxo roasties

Peel and cut your potatoes. Mix an oxo cube with a cup of boiling water.

Put oxo liquid and pot in a tray. Spray with frylight. Add salt and cook in hot oven

Spicy whole roasted cauliflower

Spicy whole roasted cauliflower

1 tbsp veg oil

1 head cauliflower

1 ½ cup plain Greek yogurt

1 lime, zest and juiced

2 tbsp chilli powder

1 tbsp cumin

1 tbsp garlic powder

1 tsp curry powder

2 tsp kosher salt

1 tsp black pepper


Preheat the oven to 400’C and lightly grease a small baking sheet with veg oil. Set aside.

Trim the base of the cauliflower to remove any green leaves and the woody stem.

In a medium bowl, combine the yogurt with the lime zest and juice, chilli powder, cumin, garlic powder, curry powder, salt and pepper.

Dunk the cauliflower into the bowl and smear the marinade over.

Place the cauliflower on the baking sheet and roast until the surface is dry and lightly browned, 30-40 min.


When you have a sweet tooth.

When you have a sweet tooth.

3 mashed bananas (ripe)

1/3 cup apple sauce

2 cup oats

¼ cup almond milk

½ cup raisins (optional)

1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp cinnamon


Bake at 350’f for 15-20 min


Sausages and beans

Sausages and beans

Calorie controlled spray

8 low fat sausages

1 onion, sliced

1 red pepper, chopped

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tsp smoked paprika

400 g tin cannellini beans, drained

400 g tin kidney beans, drained

400 g passata

300 ml chicken stock from 1 cube

1 tsp English mustard

2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

200 g tenderstem broccoli

1 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley

S and p


Mist a pan with the cooking spray and cook the sausages, onion and pepper for 5 min over high heat. Add the garlic and paprika, and cook for a 1 min, then stir in the cannellini and kidney, passata, stock, mustard and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook for 5 min. Season.

Meanwhile, cook the broccoli in boiling water, for 3-4 min until tender, then drain, stir through the bean and sausage mixture, sprinkle with the parsley and serve.


F & H Stuffing

F & H Stuffing

2 Warbi thins

1 crumpet

1 tbsp sage

2 onions

S and p


Blitz thins and crumpets until breadcrumbs. Add sage and seasoning. Dry fry for a few min to reduce water content in the breadcrumbs.

In another pan fry some finely chopped onions. Add to breadcrumbs and mix. Add enough hot water to bind.

Shape into balls and bake.

Tomato, Leek and Mushroom Risotto


Tomato, Leek and Mushroom Risotto







250g arborio or carnaroli risotto rice
1 x 285g jar condiverdi/antipasto mushrooms in oil
1 medium leek, sliced thinly
1 fat clove garlic, crushed
small handful fresh parsley, roughly chopped
small glass dry white wine
1 jar Loyd Grossman Tomato & Basil or Sweet Red Pepper sauce
freshly grated parmesan or pecorino cheese, to serve
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Boil the risotto rice in plenty of lightly salted water for 15 minutes timing from when the water returns to the boil. Drain but do not rinse.

2. Meanwhile, drain the oil from the mushrooms reserving about a tablespoon. Spoon this into a saucepan and heat then mix in the sliced leeks, crushed garlic and chopped parsley.

3. Stir-fry for about a minute or two until the leek is just wilted then add the wine and cook until reduced right down by about a half.

4. Mix in the drained mushrooms and the sauce of your choice. Bring to the boil, season to taste then simmer for about 5 minutes. By this time the rice should be cooked.

5. Stir the rice into the sauce and serve immediately topped with grated cheese..