Sunday 10 January 2021

Strawberry & Raspberry Cheesecake and Strawberry and Raspberry Fruit Sundae.


Strawberry & Raspberry Cheesecake and Strawberry and Raspberry Fruit Sundae. 


No Count
This recipe makes 2 of each dessert

2 Caramel Snack a Jacks
1 sugar free jelly ( either strawberry or raspberry)
half a punnet of strawberries
punnet of raspberries
150grm tub 0% Greek Yogurt
a little sweetener (optional)
Sprinkle the jelly over 150 mls boiling water, stir until dissolved and leave to cool until it is lukewarm.
Blend strawberries and half the raspberries raspberries together ( keep a few strawbwrries back for decoration) until making a fruit coulis ( sauce) - pour threequarters of this mixture into the jelly and stir well.
Pour in the yogurt and stir until almost set.
Put the snack a jacks on individual serving plates spoon on some of the mixture and leave in fridge to set.

Meanwhile start making the second dessert, get 2 nice serving dishes ( preferably glass - nice wine glasses work well) put some raspberries ( keeping some back for decoration) into the bottom of each dish and cover with some of the coulis ( you can add some sweetener to that if it is not wsweet enough for your taste), cover with remaining jelly mixture and leave to set.
To serve the cheesecake pour the remaining coulis around the cake and decorate top with strawberries and raspberries.
Decorate the top of the sundaes with raspberries & strawberrie - you can also put some vanilla yogurt on top before garnishing.
Fresh mint leaves make a nice garnish to both of these dishes.


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