Saturday 16 January 2021

Spanish Plaice

Spanish Plaice

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 tsp oil

1 green pepper, seeded and chopped

1 onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

15 oz can tomatoes

2 tsp chilli powder

s and p

2 tsp cornflour blended with 1 tbsp water

4 x 5 oz fillets of plaice

Heat oil, add pepper, onion and garlic, saute 5 min. Add tomatoes, chilli powder, salt and pepper, bring to boiling point, stir in blended cornflour and cook until thickened.

Arrange plaice fillets over base ovenproof dish, pour over sauce, and bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 20-30 min until fish flakes easily.

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