Thursday 21 January 2021

Chicken tikka and rice salad

Chicken tikka and rice salad

Serves 4

Syns per serving; Free

For the chicken tikka

250 g fat free natural yogurt

juice of 1 lime  

1 tbsp tikka curry powder

4 tbsp tomato puree

1 tbsp finely grated fresh root ginger

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

a pinch of salt

4 skinless chicken breast fillets, cut into bite-size chunks

For the salad

250 g dried basmati rice

1 large cucumber, deseeded and cubed

4 tomatoes, deseeded and roughly chopped

1 red onion, roughly chopped

1/4 small pack each of fresh mint and coriander, roughly chopped, plus whole mint leaves to garnish

For the raita dressing

200 g fat free natural fromage frais

juice of 1 lime

1/2 tsp ground cumin, plus extra to garnish

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

a pinch of freshly ground black pepper

For the chicken tikka, mix the yogurt, lime juice, tikka powder, tomato puree, ginger and garlic in a bowl and season with salt. Stir in the chicken, cover and chill for 4-6 hours, or overnight.

Preheat your grill to high. Carefully thread the chicken onto 4 metal skewer, discarding the marinade. Grill for 10-12 min, or until cooked through turning occasionally. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instruction. Drain, cool under cold running water, then transfer to a wide salad bowl.

Add the cooled chicken to the rice with the remaining salad ingredients and toss well. Whisk all the raita ingredients together, garnish with a little ground cumin and drizzle over the salad to serve.

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