Saturday 16 January 2021

Norwegian Baked Cod

Norwegian Baked Cod

1982 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 x 6 oz pieces cod fillet

2 tbsp flour

2 tbsp paprika

4 tbsp margarine

2 oz spring onion, finely chopped

10 oz mushrooms, sliced

2 tsp each fresh dill and parsley

5 fl oz natural yogurt

6 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

1 1/2 oz dried breadcrumbs

Preheat oven 375'F 190'C Gas 5

Roll cod in flour, seasoned with 1 1/2 tbsp paprika. Set aside.

Melt 3 tbsp marg in non-stick frying pan over low heat, add spring onions and saute 2 min, until soft, but not browned. Add mushrooms and saute for a further 2 min. Remove from heat, add herb, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Arrange half the mushroom mixture in a overproof dish, cover with fish and remaining mushroom over fish.

Spread yogurt over mushrooms, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and remaining paprika. Top with dried breadcrumbs and dot with remaining 1 tbsp marg.

Bake 20 min until fish flakes.

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