Friday 15 January 2021

Spicy Pork and Bean Hot-pot

Spicy Pork and Bean Hot-pot

Another 1982 WW

Serves 1

3 oz pork fillet

1 tsp oil

3 oz onion, diced

1 tsp dried basil

s and p

1/2 tsp curry powder

2 tsp steak sauce

6 oz canned tomatoes

3-4 oz canned baked beans

Place pork fillet on a rack under a hot grill and cook until brown on all sides. Remove and slice thinly. 

Heat oil in non-stick pan and add onion and cook until translucent. Add next 5 ingredients and simmer 3-5 min.

Arrange pork and beans in an ovenproof casserole, pour over tomato mixture, cover and bake in moderate oven 350'F  180'C Gas mark 4 for 30-40 min,

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