Friday 15 January 2021

Stuffed Marrow

 Stuffed Marrow

This is a recipe from 1982 WW

Serves 1

2 rings cut from middle of medium marrow (approx 6-8 oz)

4 oz corned beef

3 oz cooked potato, mashed

1/4 tsp mixed herbs

3 oz tomato, cut in slices

Peel marrow rings and remove pith carefully without breaking ring. Mix corned beef, potato and herbs together. 

Put marrow rings on large sheet foil on baking tray, divide the filling between ring, packing well down, top with sliced tomato. Fold edges of foil together pinching edges to seal. 

Bake 350'F, 180'C Gas mark 4 for 25-30 min until marrow is tender.

4 Protien 1 Bread

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