Thursday 14 January 2021

F and H Sausage Rolls


 F and H Sausage Rolls

Makes 6

3 Warburton’s Sandwich Thins

250g  of extra lean pork mince 5% fat or less

1 small onion, grated or finely chopped

Salt & Pepper to taste

1 Tsp mixed herbs or pork seasoning

1 packet butter buds (made up with a little hot water) or fry-light buttery


Preheat the oven to 200C/Fan 180C/400F/Gas Mark 6

Blend mince, onion, herbs and seasoning in a food processor until a smooth mixture is formed. (Resembling sausage meat)

Divide mixture into 6 and form into sausages, the length sandwich thin

Split the thins and place ‘sausages’ in each one, roll and place on a baking tray, join down, brush the thins with liquid butter buds or spray with frylight

Bake in the middle of the oven for around 15 – 20 minutes until the sausage is cooked.



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