Sunday 17 January 2021

Orange and Watercress Plaice

Orange and Watercress Plaice

1983 WW recipe

Serves 4


2 oz fresh brown breadcrumbs  

1/2 bunch watercress leaves, chopped

grated rind of 1 orange

1 egg, beaten

s and p

4 x 5 oz fillets plaice, skinned and cut in half lengthways


8 tsp low fat spread

2 tbsp plain flour

1/2 skimmed milk

4 fl oz fresh orange juice

s and p

Mix the stuffing ingredients together and divide evenly between the fillets. Roll up and secure with a cocktail stick. Arrange in a shallow, lightly greased ovenproof dish.

Make the sauce by melting low fat spread and stirring in the flour, milk and orange juice. Cook until thickened and season.

Pour over the fish and bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 20 min. Remove cocktail sticks and serve hot.

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