Saturday 16 January 2021

Rice "Cream"

Rice "Cream"

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

2 fl oz cold water

1 1/2 tsp unflavoured gelatine

2 fl oz skim milk

rind of 1/2 lemon, grated


4 tsp low fat spread

pinch salt

2 oz cooked rice

4 oz canned crushed pineapple, no added sugar

Pour water into blender. Sprinkle gelatine over water to soften. 

Combine milk, lemon rind, sweetener, low fat spread and salt, bring to boil. Add cooked rice and simmer for 15 - 20 min or until no more of the liquid is visible. Transfer rice mixture to blender.

Reserve 2 tbsp pineapple, add remaining pineapple to blender. Puree until smooth. Add remaining pineapple and mix. Pour into mould and chill until set.

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