Thursday 14 January 2021

Chicken Paprika


Chicken Paprika
From the kitchen of  FRUITYSUET

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 4

4 medium skinless boneless chicken breasts
2 tbsp (60g) plain flour
2 tbsp mixed dried herbs
1 tbsp paprika (more if like things really spicy)
2 cloves garlic
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Cut chicken into strips.

Mix flour, herbs, paprika, salt and pepper together and put on a large plate.

Coat chicken in flour mix.

Heat oil in large non-stick pan. Saute chicken for 5 minutes turning often.

Add garlic and cook for another 3-4 minutes until chicken cooked.  

Serve with mixed roasted vegetables and/or honey glazed potatoes (see separate recipe) Add a jug of diet sangria and enjoy!

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