Thursday 14 January 2021

Spicy tomato sauce


Spicy tomato sauce
From the kitchen of  LITTLEPATSY

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 0

1 diced onion
2 chopped cloves garlic (I use more but I love garlic)
1 chopped green chilli (with seeds if you like it extra hot)
2 chopped peppers (any colour)
1 tin chopped tomatoes
2-3 teaspoons cajun spices (depending on your taste)
a few tablespoons of water
Spray oil

1. On a medium heat fry onion and garlic in spray oil until onion is translucent.

2. Add chilli, peppers and water. Cover and let the peppers soften.

3. Add tomatoes and spice.

4. Leave to simmer for 10-15 minutes then blitz to desired consistency.(I use a small hand held mixer)

I make this sauce and thought I'd share it with you (it's 0 points). I use it with minced turkey (I make meatballs), with steak (when I feel like a treat),with Chicken Breasts, with fish, I make oven chips (home made ones) and smother them in this sauce and it's like eating something fattening (but of course it's good for you!)


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