Sunday 17 January 2021

Apple and cheese whip

Apple and cheese whip

Mrs J A Llewellyn won a special commendation for this delicious pudding. 

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

8 oz canned apple slices, no sugar added

5 oz cottage cheese

1/2 low fat dry milk


juice and grated rind of half a lemon

2 1/2 fl oz water

1 1/2 tsp gelatine

1 tsp golden syrup

3/4 oz cornflakes

Place apple slices in the bottom of a dish. Blend cottage cheese, dry milk and sweetener together.

Add grated lemon rind to cheese mix and blend again. 

Place lemon juice and water in a pan, sprinkle gelatine on and heat gently until dissolved. Pour gradually into the cheese mixture, beating after each addition. Pour over the apples and leave to set.

Melt the golden syrup and stir in the cornflakes. Spread over the apple and cheese mixture. Serve slightly chilled.

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