Thursday 14 January 2021

Gina's Tantalising Tuna Bake


Gina's Tantalising Tuna Bake
From the kitchen of  GINA2002

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 6

1 can tuna in brine
2 spoons cottage cheese
2 large portions of pasta (any type)
6 spoons cheddar, grated
1 can of tomato and onion mix
mixed herbs

Blanch the pasta, then lay it out in a baking tray.
Pre-heat tomato and onion mix, and lay this on top of the pasta.
Top with the tuna and cottage cheese.
Finally, sprinkle on the cheddar - and season with herbs.
Bake for 8 mins in a pre-heated oven (200 degrees) - or until cheese melts.

Serve with a 0 Point side salad

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