Thursday 14 January 2021

Yummy Quorn Lasagne


Yummy Quorn Lasagne
From the kitchen of  SLINKYSARAH2B

servings |  4
estimated Points® per serving | 5

300g minced quorn
tin chopped toms
ww tomato soup
9 lasagne sheets
1/2 onions
pinch of mixed herbs
1/2 garlic cloves


4 tspns low-fat marg
50g plain flour
1/2pnt skimmed milk
generous pinch of ground nutmeg
40g low fat grated cheddar

dry fry quorn, add onions+garlic. Drain tom juice, then add toms and ww tomato soup. Stir well then add herbs and heat through. Pre-heat oven gas mark 5.


MAKE WHITE SAUCE by melting marg in a saucepan, add plain flour until you get a paste then gradually add milk until sauce thickens. Add nutmeg and turn off heat. Stir in grated cheese.  

Place mince on bottom of an ovenproof dish then cover with 3 sheets of lasagne, divide mince into 2 then add another layer and a tbsn of white sauce. Cover with 3 more lasagne sheets. Add mince+sauce again (make sure you have enough white sauce left to cover the top layer). Place the remaining 3 lasagne sheets on top and cover totally with white sauce. Cook for 45min at gas mark 5. Enjoy...


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