Thursday 14 January 2021

Ange's Omelette


Ange's Omelette
From the kitchen of  AHLAKES

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 5

1 tsp Olive Oil
2 medium eggs
1 slice premium ham
60g half fat cheddar
2 spring onions
1/2 red pepper
1/2 green pepper
4 mushrooms

Grate the cheese and cut the ham into small squares. Chop and slice the vegetables and stir fry them in half of the oil. When softened put to one side. Heat the rest of the oil in the pan and lightly beat the eggs. Pour the eggs into the pan and cook on a low heat until the egg just starts to set. Place the cheese ham and vegetables into one half of the pan. When the omelette is fully cooked, and lightly browned underneath, fold over. Continue to cook on a low heat for 2-3 minutes. Cut omelette in half to serve.  

Serve with salad and low calorie coleslaw.
Any combination of vegetables can be used as an alternative to those suggested.

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