Thursday 14 January 2021

Ragu of roasted vegetables


Ragu of roasted vegetables
From the kitchen of  SERAFINA

servings |  2
estimated Points® per serving | 0

1 courgette
2 red onions
10 mushrooms
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
whole garlic cloves
1 tin of chopped tomatos
dash of tabasco (optional)
pinch of chilli flakes (optional)
dried or fresh herbs of your choice
Spray olive oil

Chop all the veg (bar the garlic) into chunks and the onion into wedges, leaving one wedge aside. Heat the oven to gas 7 or the equivalent. Spray a non stick roasting dish and cover with the veggies and whole cloves of garlic, these will soften and sweeten as they cook. Spray again with oil and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Put in the oven turning over once until they are roasted.
Meanwhile take a large saucepan and spray, chop finely the wedge of onion you saved and slowly saute till transparent and soft, add the chilli flakes, chopped tomatos, tabasco and if your using dried herbs add them now.. When the roasted veggies are ready stir them in, add fresh herbs and serve immediately with pasta, rice or whole meal bread.  

For an extra 0.5 point take 10 olives black or green and slice them lengthways and chuck them in to the tomato sauce before adding the veg.

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