Friday 15 January 2021



Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

3 oz green pepper

3 oz red pepper

4 oz onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

s and p

1 tsp fresh basil

4 tbsp tomato puree

6 fl oz water

4 eggs, beaten

2 x 1 oz slices brown bread

2 tsp margarine

Put whole pepper onto a rack under a hot grill and cook, turning frequently, until all skin is charred. Place in paper bag and leave for 2 min, rinsing with water, cut into strips. Put prepared a saucepan with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, basil, tomato puree and water. Bring to the boil and simmer until veg are quite soft, 15 min.

Add beaten eggs and cook, stirring, until mixture is set. Divide equally and serve with toast.

Each serving equates to;

5 oz veg,  2 extras,  2 eggs,  1 grain, 1 fat

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