Sunday 10 January 2021




Serves 4

Points per recipe 12½

Points per serving 3


Freezing recommended


125g no-soak dried apricots, finely chopped

450g pears, peeled, cored & sliced

1 tbsp clear honey

50g fresh wholemeal breadcrumbs

25g demerara sugar

1 tbsp plain flour

25g low fat spread, melted

pinch of nutmeg


Put the apricots into a pan with the pears and honey.  add 1 tbsp water and simmer gently, covered for 5 mins to soften.

Preheat the oven to Gas4/180ºC/350ºF.  Spoon half the pear mixture into an ovenproof dish.

Mix the breadcrumbs, sugar, flour, spread and nutmeg and scatter half over the pears.  top with the remaining pear mixture and scatter with the last of the crumbs.  Bake 25 mins and serve warm.


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