Tuesday 12 January 2021

Chicken Kebab (Kotopoulo Souvlaki)

Chicken Kebab (Kotopoulo Souvlaki)

no count

2 kilos of chicken boneless and but into bite sized pieces
2 garlic cloves crushed
3 tablespoons of 0% greek yogurt
1 ripe but firm tomato cut into cubes
1 green pepper deseeded and diced
1 medium onion diced
13-14 small button mushrooms

Mix chicken pieces, salt pepper, garlic, Yogurt and chill for 4 – 5 hours or overnight.

Prepare and salt the green pepper, tomato, onion and mushrooms.

Thread chicken onto skewers alternating with the green pepper tomato onion and mushrooms.

Cook on glowing coals or under grill.

Serve with Talatouri (Tzatziki with 2 cups of cooked rice stirred into it)


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