Saturday 23 January 2021

Rich Beef and Pumpkin Curry

Rich Beef and Pumpkin Curry

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free


salt and pepper

600 g stewing steak, all visible fat removed, cut into chunks

1 onion, thinly sliced

2 garlic cloves, finely chopped

2 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped, plus extra to garnish

2 tsp finely grated ginger

4 tsp curry powder

800 ml hot beef stock

6 tbsp tomato puree

1 cinnamon stick

1 star anise

600 g pumpkin flesh, cut into chunks

350 g dried basmati rice

200 g baby spinach, roughly chopped

juice of 1/2 lime

Spray a heavy-based pan with frylight and place over a medium-high heat. Season the beef and fry in batches for 4-6 min until browned all over. Transfer to a plate using a slotted spoon and set aside.

Spray the pan with more frylight and reduce the heat to medium. Add the onion and stir-fry for 6-8 min. Add the garlic, chillis and ginger and cook for a further min. Add the curry powder and stir-fry for 2-3 min.

Return the beef to the pan with the stock, tomato puree, cinnamon stick and star anise. Bring to the boil and cover. Reduce the heat and simmer for 35 min, or until the beef is tender. Season, add the pumpkin and cook for a further 15-20 min, or until the pumpkin is tender.

Meanwhile, cook the basmati rice according to the packet instructions, adding the spinach for the final 2-3 min. Drain well.

Stir the lime juice into the curry. Discard the cinnamon stick and star anise. Garnish with the extra chilli, and serve with the rice.

Chunky Chicken Bhuna

Chunky Chicken Bhuna

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free

Seeds from 1 heaped tsp cardamom pods

2 tsp each of coriander seeds and cumin seeds

4 cloves

10 black peppercorns

1/2 cinnamon stick


2 onions, thinly sliced

1 tsp each of turmeric and hot chilli powder

2 tsp grated ginger

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

8 skinless and boneless chicken thighs, halved

2 x 400 g cans chopped tomatoes

250 ml chicken stock

400 g sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-size chunks

1 red and 1 orange pepper, deseeded and cut into chunks

300 g cauliflower, broken into small florets

350 g dried basmati rice

100 g green beans, halved

salt and pepper

a few sprigs of coriander, to garnish

fat-free natural yogurt, to serve

Put the cardamom, coriander seeds, cumin seeds, cloves, peppercorns and cinnamon stick in a mortar or spice blender and finely grind.

Spray a pan with frylight and place over a low heat. Add the onions and stir-fry for 10 min until softened and lightly browned.  Spray the pan with a little more frylight, then add the spice mixture, turmeric, chilli powder, ginger and garlic and cook for 1 min, stirring. Add the chicken and cook for 2 min, turning regularly to coat with the spices, until lightly browned all over.

Transfer the mixture to a large casserole dish and add the tomatoes and chicken stock. Bring to a simmer and cook for 10 min. Stir in the sweet potatoes, peppers and cauliflower. Cover, bring back to a simmer and cook for a further 10 min.

Cook the rice according to the packet instructions. Drain well.

Meanwhile, add the green beans to the curry and cook for a further 8-10 min, or until all the veg are tender and the chicken is cooked through. Season the curry, divide between 4 bowls with the rice. Garnish with the coriander and serve with the yogurt.

Lamb Korai

Lamb Korai

Serves 4

Syns per serving: Free


3 onion, finely chopped

4 tsp curry powder

2 green chillis, halved lengthways

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 tbsp grated ginger

4 tomatoes, roughly chopped

500 g lamb leg steaks,all visible fat removed, cut into bite-size chunks

450 ml lamb stock

2 green peppers, deseeded and cut into bite-size chunks

salt and freshly ground black pepper

fresh coriander leaves, to garnish

a cherry tomato and red onion salad and lemon wedges, to serve

For the rice,

350 g dried basmati rice

6 cardamom pods, crushed

4 cloves

a large pinch of turmeric

6 whole black peppercorns

Preheat oven to 180'C/Fan 160'C/Gas 4. Spray a casserole with frylight and place over a low heat. Add the onions and stir-fry for 10 min until softened but not coloured.

Stir in curry powder, chillis, garlic and ginger and cook for 1 min. Turn the heat up to medium, add the tomatoes and cook for 4-5 min, or until any liquid has evaporated.

Add the lamb and cook for 5-10 min, stirring until browned.Add the stock, bring to the boil, then add the pepper and season. Cover and cook in the oven for 45 min, or until the lamb is tender.

Meanwhile, put the rice in a pan with the spices and salt. Pour over 700 ml boiling water, cover and simmer over a low heat for 10 min. Remove from the heat and leave to stand for 4-5 min. Fluff up the rice.

To serve, divide the rice and curry. Garnish with coriander and with the salad and lemon wedges.

Thursday 21 January 2021

Chicken kofta curry with jasmine rice

Chicken kofta curry with jasmine rice

Serves 4

Syns per serving; Free

700 g skinless and boneless chicken thighs, roughly chopped

2 tbsp mild curry powder

salt and freshly ground black pepper


500 g passata with onion and garlic

1 tsp turmeric

2 tbsp medium curry powder

1 tsp sweetener

250 ml chicken stock

1 head of broccoli, broken into small florets

finely chopped fresh coriander leaves, to garnish

For the rice

350 g dried jasmine rice

2 spring onions, thinly sliced

Put the chicken and mild curry powder in a food processor and season. Blend until fairly smooth, then transfer to a bowl. Using your hands, shape the mixture into 32 balls. Spray a large frying pan with frylight and place over a medium heat. Stir-fry the chicken balls for 4-5 min, or until lightly browned. Transfer to a plate using a slotted spoon, cover and keep warm.

Add the passata, turmeric, medium curry powder, sweetener and stock to the pan. Bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer. Season and add the chicken balls. Cover and cook gently for 15-20 min, turning occasionally, until cooked through.

Cook the rice according to the packet instructions. Drain, then stir in the spring onions.

Steam the broccoli for 4-6 min, then drain. Garnish the curry with chopped coriander and serve with the rice and broccoli.

Chicken tikka and rice salad

Chicken tikka and rice salad

Serves 4

Syns per serving; Free

For the chicken tikka

250 g fat free natural yogurt

juice of 1 lime  

1 tbsp tikka curry powder

4 tbsp tomato puree

1 tbsp finely grated fresh root ginger

3 garlic cloves, finely chopped

a pinch of salt

4 skinless chicken breast fillets, cut into bite-size chunks

For the salad

250 g dried basmati rice

1 large cucumber, deseeded and cubed

4 tomatoes, deseeded and roughly chopped

1 red onion, roughly chopped

1/4 small pack each of fresh mint and coriander, roughly chopped, plus whole mint leaves to garnish

For the raita dressing

200 g fat free natural fromage frais

juice of 1 lime

1/2 tsp ground cumin, plus extra to garnish

1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped

a pinch of freshly ground black pepper

For the chicken tikka, mix the yogurt, lime juice, tikka powder, tomato puree, ginger and garlic in a bowl and season with salt. Stir in the chicken, cover and chill for 4-6 hours, or overnight.

Preheat your grill to high. Carefully thread the chicken onto 4 metal skewer, discarding the marinade. Grill for 10-12 min, or until cooked through turning occasionally. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile, cook the rice according to the packet instruction. Drain, cool under cold running water, then transfer to a wide salad bowl.

Add the cooled chicken to the rice with the remaining salad ingredients and toss well. Whisk all the raita ingredients together, garnish with a little ground cumin and drizzle over the salad to serve.

Chicken and Raisin Salad

Chicken and Raisin Salad

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

1 x 5 oz cooked chicken breast

6 tsp Thousand Island dressing

1 oz raisin

2 carrot, cut into sticks

1/2 green pepper, chopped


Slice the chicken. Mix dressing, raisins, carrots and green pepper. Pile on to lettuce leaves and serve.

Turkey Potato Pie

Turkey Potato Pie

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

1 tbsp oil

4 oz onion, finely chopped

1 tsp flour

2 tbsp curry powder

8 oz canned tomatoes

4 tsp tomato ketchup

1/2 tsp salt

sweetener, to taste

2 cooking apples, peeled and finely chopped

8 oz cooked turkey, chopped

6 oz mashed potato

Heat oil, and saute onion until translucent. Stir in flour, curry powder, tomatoes and tomato ketchup. Add salt and sweetener and simmer gently for 30 min. Add apple and turkey, simmer 10 min until apple just soft.

Place on serving dish, pipe mashed potato round turkey. Serve.

Wednesday 20 January 2021

Blackberry crisp

Blackberry crisp

1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

1 1/4 lb blackberries 

2 fl oz water


4 slices (1 oz) white bread

2 eggs

4 fl oz skim milk

2 tbsp brown sugar

2 tbsp low fat spread

Bring blackberries and water to boil and cook gently until soft. Add sweetener, pour into ovenproof dish.  

Cut each slice of bread into 4. Beat eggs with milk and pour into a shallow dish. Dip and turn bread squares in until all egg/milk mixture has been absorbed.

Arrange squares in overlapping pieces over blackberry mixture, sprinkle with sugar, dot with low fat spread, Bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 25-30 min or until top is crisp and golden.

Blackberry Fool

Blackberry Fool

1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

10 oz blackberries

2 fl oz water

16 fl oz skim milk

4 tbsp custard powder


Bring blackberries and water to boil and cook until berries are soft. Set aside to cool. 

Bring 12 fl oz milk to boil. Mix custard powder to a paste with rest of milk. Pour boiling milk on to custard paste, stir briskly, pour back in pan and bring to the boil and cook stirring constantly until thick and creamy.  Rub berries through sieve to obtain puree, or use a blender before pouring through a sieve.

Combine blackberry puree and custard, add sweetener and mix. Chill.


Monday 18 January 2021

South American Casserole

South American Casserole

1985 WW recipe

Serves 4

10 oz lean mince

4 eggs

1 onion, finely chopped

sprinkle of marjoram, celery salt, cumin and garlic granules

s and p

4 oz raisins or sultanas

2 tsp gravy powder

12 oz cream-style sweetcorn

2 tsp brown sugar

2 tsp margarine

2 medium bananas, halved lengthwise

Hard boil the egg, cool and remove shells. Slice each egg in half lengthways and set aside.

Put mince, onion, spices, salt, pepper and raisin/sultanas in pan and simmer gently until mince is cooked and the sultanas are plump. Mix gravy powder with water to a paste and stir in mince mixture. Adjust the seasoning, then pour into casserole.

Arrange the halved boiled eggs on top of the mince, spoon over the cream style corn so that all is completely covered. Sprinkle over brown sugar and place in the oven at 400'F 200'C Gas 6 for 30 min.

Just before the casserole is ready, melt the marg and fry the bananas until golden brown.

Peanut biscuits

Peanut biscuits

1983 WW recipe

Serves 1

3 tbsp peanut butter
3/4 oz plain flour
1 fl oz skim milk
few drop vanilla

Soften peanut butter in basin over boiling water.  Remove from heat, stir in flour, vanilla and milk. Mix well, divide mixture into 4 or 6 pieces and roll each into a ball.

Place on baking tray, flatten slightly and bake Gas 4, 180'C for about 15 min.

This recipe was from Mrs Susan McMinn

Sunday 17 January 2021

Apple and cheese whip

Apple and cheese whip

Mrs J A Llewellyn won a special commendation for this delicious pudding. 

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

8 oz canned apple slices, no sugar added

5 oz cottage cheese

1/2 low fat dry milk


juice and grated rind of half a lemon

2 1/2 fl oz water

1 1/2 tsp gelatine

1 tsp golden syrup

3/4 oz cornflakes

Place apple slices in the bottom of a dish. Blend cottage cheese, dry milk and sweetener together.

Add grated lemon rind to cheese mix and blend again. 

Place lemon juice and water in a pan, sprinkle gelatine on and heat gently until dissolved. Pour gradually into the cheese mixture, beating after each addition. Pour over the apples and leave to set.

Melt the golden syrup and stir in the cornflakes. Spread over the apple and cheese mixture. Serve slightly chilled.

Liver with spices

Liver with spices

1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

2 tbsp oil

4 oz spring onions, sliced

2 oz celery, chopped

1 garlic clove, crushed

1 1/2 lb lamb's liver, cut into 1" cubes

1 tbsp plain flour

1/2 tsp ginger

1/2 tsp pepper

6 fl oz water

3 tbsp soy sauce

Heat oil and saute spring onions, celery and garlic for 3 min. Remove from pan and set aside.

Add liver to pan and brown on all sides, over high heat. Sprinkle with flour, ginger and pepper. Stir in water and soy sauce, and simmer for 3 min. Add vegetables and continue simmering so they are hot.

Peanut butter and garlic pate

Peanut butter and garlic pate

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

3 tbsp crunchy peanut butter

5 oz curd cheese (or cottage, sieved)

1 clove garlic, crushed    (too much)

2 1/2 fl oz natural yogurt

2 drops tabasco sauce


Mix well and let stand for 30 min before serving.

Sausage and Rhubarb Bake

Sausage and Rhubarb Bake

Mrs Sheila Needham of Liverpool won a competition with this recipe.

1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

12 oz beef and pork sausages
8 oz rhubarb, cut in 1/2 pieces
6 oz onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 tbsp dried mushrooms
1 tsp dried mixed peppers
pinch of dried herbs
2 tsp cornflour
10 fl oz beef stock made with 1 cube
14 oz canned tomatoes
s and p
sweetener to taste
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
6 oz raw peeled potatoes, cut into thin slices

Grill sausages. Put rhubarb, onion and sausages into casserole dish. Sprinkle over garlic, dried mushrooms, pepper and herbs.

Combine cornflour and beef stock, pour into the casserole dish, tomatoes, seasoning, sweetener, Worcestershire sauce and soy sauce.

Top with thin slices of potato. Bake, covered, 375'F 190'C Gas 5 for 1 1/2 hours.

Kidney Bean and Egg Salad

Kidney Bean and Egg Salad

1982 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 tbsp mayonnaise

2 tsp prepared mustard

4 oz onion, finely diced

4 oz celery, diced

12 oz drained, canned red kidney beans

6 oz cucumber, peeled and sliced

4 eggs, hard boiled, quartered

1 tsp capers 

In a bowl combine first 4 ingredients. Add kidney beans and diced cucumber, chill.

Serve with 1 egg per portion. Garnish with capers.

Orange and Watercress Plaice

Orange and Watercress Plaice

1983 WW recipe

Serves 4


2 oz fresh brown breadcrumbs  

1/2 bunch watercress leaves, chopped

grated rind of 1 orange

1 egg, beaten

s and p

4 x 5 oz fillets plaice, skinned and cut in half lengthways


8 tsp low fat spread

2 tbsp plain flour

1/2 skimmed milk

4 fl oz fresh orange juice

s and p

Mix the stuffing ingredients together and divide evenly between the fillets. Roll up and secure with a cocktail stick. Arrange in a shallow, lightly greased ovenproof dish.

Make the sauce by melting low fat spread and stirring in the flour, milk and orange juice. Cook until thickened and season.

Pour over the fish and bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 20 min. Remove cocktail sticks and serve hot.

Lime Dessert

Lime Dessert
1983 WW recipe
Serves 6

3 tbsp low fat spread
6 digestive biscuit, crushed
1 lime jelly
15 oz low fat soft cheese
9 tbsp single cream
1 lime, sliced

Melt low fat spread and stir in the biscuits. Press 2/3 of crumbs into the base of a 9" shallow dish and remainder.

Dissolve the lime jelly in 7 fl oz boiling water and leave to cool.  Whisk in the soft cheese and gently fold in the cream. Pour over the biscuit base and chill until set.

Sprinkle remaining crumbs around the top edge of the dessert and decorate with slices of fresh lime.

Oriental Mushrooms

Oriental Mushrooms

1982 WW recipe

Serves 1

4 oz Chinese leaves

4 oz mushrooms, quartered or sliced

2 tsp oil

1 tsp lemon juice

1 tsp soy sauce

Chop the Chinese leaves and mix with mushrooms. Make dressing by combining oil, lemon juice and soy sauce. Pour dressing over salad.

Hot Chilli Beans

Hot Chilli Beans

1982 WW recipe

Serves 2

1 tbsp oil

4 oz onion, chopped

12 oz canned red kidney beans

4 oz canned tomatoes, crushed

1 tsp chilli sauce

1 tsp prepared mustard

1/2 tsp Worcestershire sauce

s and p


Heat oil, and onion and saute. Add remaining ingredients, simmer until hot. Serve.

Saturday 16 January 2021

Mexican Salad

Mexican Salad

1982 WW recipe

Serves 2

2 tbsp red wine

2 oz raisins

4 oz cooked brown rice

3 oz cooked and sliced green beans

1 large tomato, chopped

2-3 spring onion, chopped

3 oz cooked peas

3/4 tsp chilli powder

4 tsp oil

1 tbsp wine vinegar

s and p

Soak raisins in wine overnight.

Combine soaked raisins, rice, green beans, tomato, onion and peas in salad bowl.

Combine chilli powder, oil, wine vinegar, salt and pepper, pour over salad and toss well.

Pitta salad salad

Pitta salad salad

1983 WW recipe

Serves 1

1 x 2 oz pitta bread

1 1/2 oz tomato, diced

1 1/2 oz cucumber, grated

1 1/2 oz lettuce, finely shredded

1 hard boiled egg, chopped

1 oz cheddar cheese, grated

2 tsp salad cream

1 tsp lemon juice

s and p

Carefully toast pitta bread each side, and carefully form a pocket by slitting open one of the narrow ends.

Combine rest of ingredients, spoon into warm pitta bread, serve at once.

Curried Butter Beans

Curried Butter Beans

1982 WW recipe

Serves 4

8 tsp oil

8 oz onion, sliced

2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

8 oz carrots, thinly sliced

4 apples, peeled and thinly sliced

12 oz tomatoes, peeled and diced

16 fl oz water

4 tbsp curry powder

4 tbsp lemon juice

4 tsp brown sugar

s and p

1 1/2 lb canned drained butter beans

Heat oil, add onion and garlic, saute for 2-3 min, add carrot and apple and saute for a further 2-3 min.

Add tomatoes, water, curry powder, lemon juice, brown sugar, salt and pepper, stir well, cover with lid and leave to simmer gently, stirring from time to time, for about 20 min. Add butter beans and cook for 6 min or until thoroughly heated.

Autumn Salad

Autumn Salad

1982 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 oz mushroom, chopped

2 apples, cored and chopped

12 oz canned sweetcorn

4 sticks celery, chopped

4 tsp raisins

4 tsp oil

2 tbsp lemon juice

s and p

Place first 5 ingredients in a bowl. Mix oil, lemon juice and seasoning. Pour dressing and toss to combine.

Norwegian Baked Cod

Norwegian Baked Cod

1982 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 x 6 oz pieces cod fillet

2 tbsp flour

2 tbsp paprika

4 tbsp margarine

2 oz spring onion, finely chopped

10 oz mushrooms, sliced

2 tsp each fresh dill and parsley

5 fl oz natural yogurt

6 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese

1 1/2 oz dried breadcrumbs

Preheat oven 375'F 190'C Gas 5

Roll cod in flour, seasoned with 1 1/2 tbsp paprika. Set aside.

Melt 3 tbsp marg in non-stick frying pan over low heat, add spring onions and saute 2 min, until soft, but not browned. Add mushrooms and saute for a further 2 min. Remove from heat, add herb, salt and pepper. Mix well.

Arrange half the mushroom mixture in a overproof dish, cover with fish and remaining mushroom over fish.

Spread yogurt over mushrooms, sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and remaining paprika. Top with dried breadcrumbs and dot with remaining 1 tbsp marg.

Bake 20 min until fish flakes.

"Toffee" apple

"Toffee" apple

Another 1982 WW recipe

Serves 1

1 medium cooking apple

1 1/2 tsp golden syrup

3 tbsp water

1 tsp low fat spread

pinch of ground cinnamon

Wash and core apple. Slit the skin around the centre to prevent bursting.

Place in baking dish, fill centre with golden syrup, sprinkle cinnamon and dot with low fat spread.

Pour water in dish and bake in oven, 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 30 min or until apple is soft, basting during cooking with the liquid in the dish.

Egg, Prawn and Tomato Grill

Egg, Prawn and Tomato Grill

Another 1982 WW recipe

Serves 2

2 hard boiled eggs

4 oz peeled prawn

4 tomatoes, skinned and sliced


1/2 pt skim milk

1 tbsp cornflour

2 tbsp tomato ketchup

4 tsp salad cream

2 tbsp chopped parsley

salt and pepper

1 tbsp grated cheddar cheese

Slice eggs and lay in the bottom of a shallow heatproof dish. Add prawn and tomatoes.

Make sauce; by placing milk, cornflour, tomato ketchup, salad cream, parsley, salt and pepper in pan.  Bring to boil gently stirring all the time until it has thickened. Pour over egg, prawn and tomato. Sprinkle with cheese and pop under grill until top is golden

Lamb in aubergine and tomato sauce

Lamb in aubergine and tomato sauce

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

1 aubergine, sliced

1 lb lean lamb fillet

4 tsp oil

1 onion, sliced

3 tomatoes, peeled and chopped

2 tbsp tomato puree

3 tbsp lemon juice

1/2 tsp grated nutmeg

1/2 tsp black pepper

1/2 tsp curry powder

3/4 pt water

Cut lamb into 1/2" slices and place on rack under hot grill and cook each side for 3 min. Put lamb into bottom of casserole.

Heat half oil and saute onion until transparent but not brown, add tomatoes, puree, lemon juice, nutmeg, pepper and curry powder. Cook for 2-3 min, add water and cook for 1-2 min. Pour over lamb.

Heat rest of oil, add aubergine slices and cook on each side for 2 min, chop and add to lamb, stirring.

Cover casserole and bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 1 1/2 hours until lamb is tender.

Rice "Cream"

Rice "Cream"

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

2 fl oz cold water

1 1/2 tsp unflavoured gelatine

2 fl oz skim milk

rind of 1/2 lemon, grated


4 tsp low fat spread

pinch salt

2 oz cooked rice

4 oz canned crushed pineapple, no added sugar

Pour water into blender. Sprinkle gelatine over water to soften. 

Combine milk, lemon rind, sweetener, low fat spread and salt, bring to boil. Add cooked rice and simmer for 15 - 20 min or until no more of the liquid is visible. Transfer rice mixture to blender.

Reserve 2 tbsp pineapple, add remaining pineapple to blender. Puree until smooth. Add remaining pineapple and mix. Pour into mould and chill until set.

Cheesecake pudding

Cheesecake pudding

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 2

8 oz canned pineapple chunks, no sugar added

2 eggs

2 tsp lemon juice

1/4 tsp vanilla flavouring

5 oz curd cheese

4 tsp low fat spread


Combine drained pineapple, eggs, lemon juice and vanilla in blender. Puree until smooth. Add cheese and blend.

Pour into a 1 pt casserole. Dot with low fat spread, sprinkle with cinnamon. 

Bake at 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 30-40 min. Serve chilled.

Spanish Plaice

Spanish Plaice

Another 1983 WW recipe

Serves 4

4 tsp oil

1 green pepper, seeded and chopped

1 onion, chopped

1 clove garlic, finely chopped

15 oz can tomatoes

2 tsp chilli powder

s and p

2 tsp cornflour blended with 1 tbsp water

4 x 5 oz fillets of plaice

Heat oil, add pepper, onion and garlic, saute 5 min. Add tomatoes, chilli powder, salt and pepper, bring to boiling point, stir in blended cornflour and cook until thickened.

Arrange plaice fillets over base ovenproof dish, pour over sauce, and bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 20-30 min until fish flakes easily.

Friday 15 January 2021

Pork with pumpkin and apple

Pork with pumpkin and apple

Another 1983  WW

Serves 1

6 oz fillet of pork

2 tsp oil

3 oz onion, sliced

6 oz pumpkin, diced

1 cooking apple, peeled, cored and sliced

pinch of sage

1/4 pt chicken stock made with 1 cube

Grill fillet on rack under hot grill and cook, turning until brown on all sides.

Heat oil in non-stick pan add onion, pumpkin, apple and sage and cook 2 -3 min, slice fillet and add to pan with stock. Cover pan and cook until apple and pumpkin are mushy. Serve.

Ginger Bean Salad

Ginger Bean Salad

another 1983 WW

Serves 2

6 oz canned red beans, drained

6 oz canned butter beans, drained

6 oz green bean, blanched and chopped

2 sticks celery, chopped

1/2 green pepper, seeded and chopped

1/2 small cauliflower, broken into small florets

2 thin slices fresh ginger root, finely chopped

2 tbsp oil

4 tbsp cider vinegar

1 tbsp sugar

s and p

shredded crisp lettuce

2 tomatoes, quartered

Put beans in large bowl and toss together. Add celery, green pepper and cauliflower and mix.

Combine ginger roots, oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper in small jar with screw top lid and shake. Pour over bean mixture and turn to coat with dressing. Cover and chill.

To serve arrange shredded lettuce, bean salad and tomatoes.

Vegetable bake

Vegetable bake

Another 1983 WW

Serves 4

2 carrots, sliced

2 courgettes, sliced

2 green peppers, seeded and chopped

4 eggs

3/4 pt skimmed milk

s and p

1 tsp dry mustard. 

4 slices (4 oz) wholemeal bread, made into crumbs

4 oz cheddar cheese

Par-boil veg for 5 min and drain.  Arrange over base of oven proof baking dish.

Beat eggs with milk, salt, pepper, and mustard. Stir in breadcrumbs and half the cheese. Pour this mixture over the veg, sprinkle over rest of cheese.

Bake 425'F 220'C Gas 7 for 30 - 40 min or until firm and golden brown,

Portuguese Eggs

Portuguese Eggs

Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

6 oz green pepper, seeded and cut into rings

6 oz onion, sliced

4 tbsp tomato puree

10 fl oz water

1 chicken stock cube

s and p

1 1/2 uncooked pasta shapes

2 eggs

2 oz grated cheddar cheese

Put green pepper and onion slices a pan with tomato puree, water, stock cube, salt and pepper. Bring to the boil and cook gently until tender. 

Meanwhile, cook pasta shapes in boiling salted water until tender and drain. Spoon pepper mixture onto oval proof dish, add pasta. Make 2 hollows in mixture and break an egg into each.

Sprinkle with cheese and bake in preheated oven, 400'F 200'C Gas 6 until eggs are set and cheese is golden. Divide equally.

Each serving equates to,

6 oz veg, 3 extras, 1 grain, 1 egg 1 hard cheese

Anchovy Eggs

Anchovy Eggs

Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

4 hard- boiled eggs

2 tsp anchovy essence

4 tsp salad cream

s and p

1 punnet mustard and cress

6 oz tomatoes, sliced

3 oz cucumber, sliced

4 spring onion

Cut eggs in halves, carefully remove yolks into a basin, add anchovy essence, salad cream, salt and pepper. Beat thoroughly into a cream. Pipe or spoon back into whites.

Arrange mustard and cress, tomato and cucumber on two plates, decorate with spring onion "brushes"

Each serving equates to,

2 eggs, 1 fat, 6 oz veg

Curried Eggs

Curried Eggs

Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

4 eggs

Curry sauce

2 tsp oil

4 oz onion, finely diced

1 med apple, peeled, cored and finely diced

1 tbsp lemon juice

2-3 tsp curry powder

10 fl oz chicken stock made with 1 cube

2 tsp cornflour, mixed to a paste with water

4 oz cooked rice

Cook eggs 10 min in boiling water, drain and cover with cold water. 

Heat oil in non-stick pan, add onion and apple and saute for 2 min.  Add lemon juice, curry powder stock, bring to the boil, cover and cook until contents are soft, 20 min. Cool a little and then pour into blender and puree. Return to saucepan, add cornflour, reheat to boiling and cook for 2 min.

Shell eggs, cut in halves, arrange on serving plate, pour over sauce. Divide equally and serve each portion with 2 oz rice.

Each serving equates to;

2 eggs, 1 fat, 2 oz veg, 1/2 fruit, 2 extras, 1 grain



Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

3 oz green pepper

3 oz red pepper

4 oz onion, diced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

s and p

1 tsp fresh basil

4 tbsp tomato puree

6 fl oz water

4 eggs, beaten

2 x 1 oz slices brown bread

2 tsp margarine

Put whole pepper onto a rack under a hot grill and cook, turning frequently, until all skin is charred. Place in paper bag and leave for 2 min, rinsing with water, cut into strips. Put prepared a saucepan with onion, garlic, salt, pepper, basil, tomato puree and water. Bring to the boil and simmer until veg are quite soft, 15 min.

Add beaten eggs and cook, stirring, until mixture is set. Divide equally and serve with toast.

Each serving equates to;

5 oz veg,  2 extras,  2 eggs,  1 grain, 1 fat

Monday Pie

Monday Pie

Another 1985 WW

Serves 2

4 oz corned beef, chopped

8 oz baked beans

1 tomato, skinned and diced

1 tsp curry powder

6 oz potato, cooked

2 tbsp grated cheese

4 tsp low fat spread

Put beef and baked in ovenproof dish. Add tomato and curry powder, stir. Beat potato and cheese and spread over meat and bean mixture. 

Dot with low fat spread and bake 425'F 220'C Gas 7 for 40 -45 min until golden brown.

Apple and nut crumble

Apple and nut crumble

Another 1983 WW

Serves 4

4 medium cooking apples


4 tbsp low fat spread

3 oz plain flour

4 tbsp shredded coconut

3 oz porridge oats

Cook apple with sweetener and a little water until it forms a soft pulp. Pour in a to oven proof.

Put fat into flour and add sweetener. Stir in coconut and porridge oats. Spread on top of apple.

Bake 350'F 180'C Gas 4 for 20 min until golden brown

Winter Warmer Soup

Winter Warmer Soup

Another 1983 WW

Serves 4

6 oz onion sliced

2 cloves garlic, crushed

4 tsp oil

6 oz potato, diced

4 oz celery, diced

4 oz carrots, diced

15 oz canned tomatoes with juice

pinch mixed herbs

1 1/2 pt vegetable stock made with 2 cubes

14 oz canned baked bean

1 1/2 wholemeal macaroni

s and p

4 oz grated cheddar cheese 

Saute onion and garlic in oil until soft and pale, stir in diced potato, celery and carrots, cook gently for 5 min. Add roughly chopped tomatoes, herbs and stock, simmer for 20 min.

Add beans and macaroni, cook 10 - 15 min until macaroni is just cooked. Season.

Divide evenly between 4 soup bowls, top each with 1 oz grated cheese and serve.

Cheese, onion and potato layer

Cheese, onion and potato layer

Another 1983 WW

Serves 2

12 oz potato sliced

8 oz onion, thinly sliced

10 oz curd cheese

1/4 pt skim milk

1 tbsp low fat spread

s and p

Layer potato, onion and cheese alternately in oven proof casserole, finishing with potato. Season each layer. 

Dot top with low fat spread, bake for 1 1/4 - 1 1/2 hours at 350'F 180'C Gas Mark 4

Pork and apple roast

Pork and apple roast

Another 1983 WW

Serves 4

1 1/2 lbs lean minced pork

1 medium cooking apple, peeled and grated

4 oz onion, finely diced

2 tsp sage

s and p

2 fl oz water

2 tbsp flour

Put mince in a large bowl, add next five ingredients, add mix thoroughly.

Sprinkle flour onto a board, tip pork mixture onto this and firm into a large round sausage shape. Place on a rack in a roasting tin, pour 1/2 " water into tin. 

Cover with foil and cook 350'F 180'C Gas Mark 4  for 1 - 1 1/4 hours removing foil for last 20 min of cooking time.

Sardine Special

Sardine Special

Serves 1

3-4 oz drained canned sardines

3 oz peeled and diced tomato

2 tsp onion flakes

1/2 tsp dill weed

1/2 - 1 tsp curry powder

1 tbsp cider vinegar

4 tsp salad cream

1 slice (1 oz) bread toasted

Place sardines a basin and mash. Mix with the rest of ingredients. Spread over toast, put under hot grill and cook until browned. Serve at once

Ambrosia Fruity Cereal

Ambrosia Fruity Cereal

Another 1983 WW

Serves 1

5 fl oz skim milk

3/4 oz oatmeal

4 oz canned fruit cocktail (no sugar added), 2 tbsp juice


dash of ginger and cinnamon

2 tsp shredded coconut

Gently heat milk, add oatmeal and drained juice from fruit cocktail. Place fruit in bowl. Bring oatmeal to boil stirring all the time, cook gently for 5 min until thickened and creamy. Add sweetener to taste.

Pour over fruit cocktail and sprinkle over coconut. Serve at once

Spicy Pork and Bean Hot-pot

Spicy Pork and Bean Hot-pot

Another 1982 WW

Serves 1

3 oz pork fillet

1 tsp oil

3 oz onion, diced

1 tsp dried basil

s and p

1/2 tsp curry powder

2 tsp steak sauce

6 oz canned tomatoes

3-4 oz canned baked beans

Place pork fillet on a rack under a hot grill and cook until brown on all sides. Remove and slice thinly. 

Heat oil in non-stick pan and add onion and cook until translucent. Add next 5 ingredients and simmer 3-5 min.

Arrange pork and beans in an ovenproof casserole, pour over tomato mixture, cover and bake in moderate oven 350'F  180'C Gas mark 4 for 30-40 min,

Peanut Butter Pizza

Peanut Butter Pizza

From 1982 WW

Serves 2

3 tbsp crunchy peanut butter

1 x 2 oz pitta bread

2 tbsp tomato puree

2 oz grated onion

2 oz sliced tomato

2 oz mushrooms, sliced

pinch Italian seasoning

s and p

2 oz cheese, grated

Split pitta bread open, spread each half with peanut butter. Mix tomato puree and onion spread on top. Arrange tomato and mushroom on top. Sprinkle on seasoning, cover with cheese and grill.

2 midday or evening meals

Damson Snow

Damson Snow

Another 1982 WW

Serves 1

5 oz damsons

sweetener to taste

1 egg white, beaten until stiff

Stew damsons in water until mushy. Pour through sieve over a basin rubbing pulp through. Add sweetener to taste, and while puree is still hot, fold in stiffly beaten egg white.

Eat at once, or chilled

1 Fruit   10 cal

Mushrooms with cheese and bacon

Mushrooms with cheese and bacon

Another from 1982 WW

Serves 1

2 large mushrooms (6 oz)

1 tsp oil

5 oz curd cheese

1 tsp finely chopped mint

juice of lemon

1 oz lean back bacon, grilled

Remove stalk from mushrooms and chop finely. Brush on both sides with oil, place flat side up on foil under a hot grill and cook 2-3 min, turn and cook 1 min. 

Mix chopped mushroom stalks, mint and lemon juice into curd cheese. Spoon over each mushroom, pop under grill to heat thoroughly. Dice bacon and serve sprinkle.

1 Fat   2 Protein   100 cal

Stuffed Marrow

 Stuffed Marrow

This is a recipe from 1982 WW

Serves 1

2 rings cut from middle of medium marrow (approx 6-8 oz)

4 oz corned beef

3 oz cooked potato, mashed

1/4 tsp mixed herbs

3 oz tomato, cut in slices

Peel marrow rings and remove pith carefully without breaking ring. Mix corned beef, potato and herbs together. 

Put marrow rings on large sheet foil on baking tray, divide the filling between ring, packing well down, top with sliced tomato. Fold edges of foil together pinching edges to seal. 

Bake 350'F, 180'C Gas mark 4 for 25-30 min until marrow is tender.

4 Protien 1 Bread

Thursday 14 January 2021



Syn Free


1 onion chopped
1 tin chopped tomatoes 
1teaspoon ginger 
1 teaspoon garlic
1 tablespoon tikka powder
1 chicken stock cube made up to 1 cup
2 tablespoons sweetener (or to taste)

Chicken pieces and

Fat free yogurt (optional)


Put it all in a pan until softened then blend it down. 
Add chicken pieces and fat free yogurt to taste add sweetener if needed.




Serves 4

Syn free if using roll and cheese as your healthy extras


450g extra lean mince beef (5%)

8 smokey bacon rashers, all visible fat removed and cut into slices

8 burger cheese slices

4 x 60g wholemeal rolls

4 slices of fresh pineapple

1 tsp very lazy garlic (in white wine vinegar, others are synned)

2 tsp very lazy chilli (in white wine vinegar, others are synned)

White pepper

Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Low calorie cooking spray



Place mince in a large bowl.  Add the garlic, chilli, white pepper, salt and freshly ground black pepper.  Mix together really well and use a wooden spoon to mash together.




Place a piece of greaseproof paper on a work bench.  Take some of the mince and make a ball, about the size of a golf ball, place some greaseproof paper on top and beat down gently with a rolling pin.




Use a large cup to cut the shape of the burger.  Then place the burger on a separate piece of greaseproof paper.  Return any excess meat back to the bowl and repeat process until all the burgers are made. 




Chill for a couple of hours in the fridge, this stops them falling apart when cooking.




Place a large frying pan sprayed with low calorie cooking spray over a medium heat. Once hot add the burgers and cook for about 4 minutes on each side.




Meanwhile fry or grill the bacon until a little crispy and toast the buns.




Build the burger:  bun base, cheese slice, burger, cheese slice, burger, pineapple slice, bacon, bun lid




Serve with wedges and salad.  ENJOY!!

F and H Sausage Rolls


 F and H Sausage Rolls

Makes 6

3 Warburton’s Sandwich Thins

250g  of extra lean pork mince 5% fat or less

1 small onion, grated or finely chopped

Salt & Pepper to taste

1 Tsp mixed herbs or pork seasoning

1 packet butter buds (made up with a little hot water) or fry-light buttery


Preheat the oven to 200C/Fan 180C/400F/Gas Mark 6

Blend mince, onion, herbs and seasoning in a food processor until a smooth mixture is formed. (Resembling sausage meat)

Divide mixture into 6 and form into sausages, the length sandwich thin

Split the thins and place ‘sausages’ in each one, roll and place on a baking tray, join down, brush the thins with liquid butter buds or spray with frylight

Bake in the middle of the oven for around 15 – 20 minutes until the sausage is cooked.



Curry loaf


Curry loaf

Syn free on extra easy and green, makes around 6 decent slices.

1 packet of syn free curry rice ( I used batchelors)
1 tin of baked beans in tomato sauce
1 tbsp of curry powder (leave this out if you don't like it hot or add more if you wish)
3 eggs, beaten

Make the rice up to packet instructions and make sure all water is absorbed.

Mixed the curry powder, beans, eggs and cooked rice.

Place into a loaf tin (or can be placed into muffin tins) and bake at 180c for 25-30 minutes or until fully cooked through, careful not to overcook as it can become crumbly.

Nice as a snack or served with salad for a meal.

Crumpet Quiche


Crumpet Quiche

 Crumpet base: between four and five crumpets in a suitable for the oven dish


Add into a bowl: you can use whatever you fancy! But i used 4 eggs, 100g of quark, 1 onion, and some ham’ oh and some tomatoes! Mixed all together with a whisk then added it all to my crumpet base put it into a preheated oven at 180 for about 15\20 or until firm! 





2 tins lean corned beef

1 onion, finely chopped

3 eggs

250g fat free plain cottage cheese

½ tsp oregano


Optional  splashes of Worcestershire Sauce to preferred taste




Dry fry onions until softened.




Dice corned beef into small cubes and add to pan, fry gently as corned beef can disintegrate.




Add oregano and stir regularly.




Remove from heat and set aside.




Whisk eggs and cottage cheese and seasoning, whisk again to break up any lumps.  Add Worcestershire sauce if using.




Add corned beef mix to eggs and stir well.  Pour into flan dish.




Cook at 190 C for 30 minutes



Princes Lean Corned Beef is 2 syns per 100g.  I used 2 x 200g tins so 8 syns for whole pie.