Sunday 24 May 2020

White Chocolate Berry Mousse

White Chocolate Berry Mousse

Serves 4

Full Choice 3 pts per serving

No Count   2½ pts per serving

1 sachet gelatine
4 sachets white chocolate options (3½pts)
225g virtually fat free fromage frais (1½pts)
225g frozen raspberries, defrosted (1pt)
1 tbsp splenda
50g white chocolate, grated (6½pts)

Measure out ¼ pt(150ml) boiling water. Place gelatine in a cup and stir in 3 tbsp of the boiling water.  Stir until dissolved.

Stir remaining water into the options, add the gelatine and mix well. Add ½ pt (300ml) cold water and cool for 30 mins.  Mix in the fromage frias.

Sprinkle splenda over the raspberries and place in the base of 4 glasses.  Pour over the white chocolate mixture and chill to set.

Decorate with white chocolate.

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