Sunday 24 May 2020



For those who love cheesecake, here is a little idea from my leader......

1 muller light Strawb yog 1½pts
1 Low fat digestive 1pt
sliced fresh strawberries or whatever fruit you fancy.

Crumble the digestive into the muller youhurt and then freeze the yoghurt for about 40 mins, turn it out into a bowl (you even get a pretty shape!) top with strawberries and stuff your face !


No Count
1lb Quark                                               
1lb of Half Fat Natural Cottage Cheese
2 Eggs
Grated Lemon Zest and lemon Juice of 1 Lemon
5 tblsp Sprinkle Sweetener or to taste

• Preheat oven to 100˚C Fan Assisted/ 120˚C          
• Place cottage cheese in a food processor/liquidiser and blend until smooth.
• Add the Quark and blend.
• Add the eggs and blend
• Add the lemon zest and lemon juice
• Pour the mixture into an 8”spring loaded loose bottomed cake tin.
• Place this in a baking tray as it may leak!
• Put in the oven and cook for 30 minutes
• Turn the oven off and allow the cheesecake to continue cooking and cool.
• Once cool, remove cheesecake and place on a plate as again leakage may occur. Transfer to the fridge and cool overnight.

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