Tuesday 12 May 2020



Serves 4
Points per serving 1

2 aubergines
4 tsp olive oil
4 tsp lemon juice
2 chopped garlic cloves
paprika or other favourite spice

Cut the aubergines in half lengthways.  Make criss cross cuts in the flesh with a sharp knife, but don't cut through the skin.  Put the halves onto a baking sheet which you have lightly oiled.

Sprinkle a tsp of oil over each half, then the lemon juice.  Sprinkle with salt and chopped garlic and paprika.  Put into the oven  Gas 5 for 20-25 minutes until the aubergine is soft.  Serve...hot or cold.

I have also tried this using spray oil instead of the olive oil, thereby making it 0 points per serving.  It works well this way as well.

This recipe was in this months WW mag.

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