Friday 29 May 2020

Chinese Prawn Popovers

Chinese Prawn Popovers

Makes 12

Points per recipe: 22

Serve 4 people 3 popovers each with sauce for 5½ pts

Tangy sweet & sour prawns cooked in the British way!  Coated in batter & popped in the oven until puffy & crispy.

1 lime, grated rind and juice
1 tbsp finely chopped fresh root ginger
2 tbsp dark soy sauce
200g can pineapple rings in natural juice, drained but juice reserved (1pt)
150g peeled prawns (2½ pts)
3 spring onions, chopped
1 tbsp cornflour (1pt)
½ tsp chinese sweet chilli sauce
1 tsp tomato puree
2 tbsp brown sugar (2pts)
2 tsp oil (2 pts)
1 small carrot, cut into thin strips
5cm (2") piece cucumber, cut into thin strips


125g strong plain flour (6pts)
1 egg (1½pts)
300ml (½pt) skimmed milk (1pt)
salt & pepper
2 tbsp oil (5pts)

Mix the lime rind, juice, ginger, soy sauce and juice from the pineapple in a bowl.  Add 2 chopped pineapple rings, prawns and spring onions, Marinade whilst making the batter.

Whis the strong flour with the egg and half the milk until smooth.  Whisk in the rest of the milk and season well. 

Heat oven to 220ºC/450ºF/Gas 7 .  Spoon the 2 tbsp oil into 12 deep yorkshire pudding tins and place the tin in the oven for 5 mins to heat.

Drain the marinade from the prawns, keeping the marinade. Quickly pour the batter into the tins up to two thirds full then divide the prawn mixture between them.  Put back in the oven and cook for 20-25 mins until risen & golden.

Meanwhile mix the cornflour with 2 tbsp water and add to the marinade with the chilli sauce, tomato puree and sugar.  Make up to 150ml with water.  Heat the 2 tsp oil in a  pan and soften the carrot strips for about 5 mins.  Pour the marinade into the pan and bring to the boil, simmering until it thickens, about 1 min.  Add the cucumber and remaining pineapple cut into pieces.  Serve with the popovers.

Not suitable for freezing.

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