Monday 11 May 2020

Kaddu Pumpkin with Five Spices

Kaddu Pumpkin with Five Spices

Serves 4


2 tbsp veg oil
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp fennel seeds
½ tsp fenugreek seeds
½ tsp black mustard seeds
½ tsp black onion seeds
550 g pumpkin or squash, cubed
1 tsp sugar
salt & pepper
fresh red chilli (optional)

Heat the oil in a large pan and cook the spice seeds until they begin to darken and pop.

Add the pumpkin and sugar, season with salt & pepper and stir over a high heat until the pumpkin softens, about 15 mins.  Serve hot with some red chilli sprinkled over, if you like it extra spicy

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