Sunday 24 May 2020

No-Pastry Fruits Of the Forest Tart

No-Pastry Fruits Of the Forest Tart

Serves 6

No Count Recipe

Full Choice  1 pt per serving

1 x 500g pack fruits of the forest, frozen
sweetener to taste
1 x 250g tub quark
3 tbsp very low fat fromage frais

Put 75g of the fruit into a pan and heat gently until it breaks down.  Strain through a sieve, reserving the liquid to use as a sauce.  Sweeten the sauce with the sweetener.  Allow to cool.

Put the quark and fromage frais into a large bowl and stir well to combine. Sweeten to taste.  Stir half of the frozen fruits into the quark mixture, then spoon onto a dinner plate to form a base measuring about 20cm (8") in diameter and 2cm (¾") high.

Top with the remaining frozen fruit and put in the freezer for 15 mins until set.  When ready to eat, slice and serve with a drizzle of sauce.

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