Tuesday 12 May 2020

Chilli and Paprika Sweet Potato Chips

Chilli and Paprika Sweet Potato Chips

1 medium sweet potato (2pts) sliced into fine wedges.

Rolled in a mixture of paprika, chilli powder and pepper (more paprika than chilli!!)...but not too thickly
Sprayed with olive oil from pump thing and onto a baking sheet already sprayed with oil

Baked ~200c 45 mins...****** gorgeous for 3 points!

0 points

They're a brilliant standby if you're stuck for a veg. I cut the cop and bottom off, but leave the skin on. Cook them in the microwave for about 4 mins on full, then put in the oven (sometimes at the same time at baked pots) for about 25 mins.

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