Friday 29 May 2020

Hot & Herby Fish Jambalaya

Hot & Herby Fish Jambalaya

Serves 4

Core recipe

2 tbsp oil  (use from allowance or use frylight)

2 onions, chopped
2 sticks celery, sliced
1 red pepper, sliced
1 green pepper, sliced
2 cloves garlic, crushed
½ tsp chilli powder
salt & pepper
225g brown rice
400g can chopped tomatoes
250 ml fish stock
450g cod or haddock, skinned & cut into chunks
1tbsp each fresh chopped parsley & thyme

Heat oil in a large shallow pan and fry onions and celery for 5 mins, stirring occasionally.

Stir in the peppers, garlic, chilli powder, salt & pepper and cook for 3 mins.

Stir in the rice, tomatoes and stock and bring to the boil.  Cover and simmer for 5 mins.

Stir in the fish and cover and cook over a low heat for 10-12 mins until the fish and rice is cooked and the stock is absorbed.  Stir in the herbs, check the seasoning and serve.
From the WW boards

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