Tuesday 12 May 2020



Serves 2
3½pts per serving

250g old potatoes, peeled
1 small onion, thinly sliced
2 tsp butter
110g mushrooms, sliced
1 clove garlic, crushed
50g extra light soft cheese with garlic and herbs
approx 250ml veg stock

Slice the potatoes very thinly, using a mandoline or slicing blade of a food processor.  Cook the onion in the butter until softened, then add the mushrooms and garlic.  Add seasoning and cook for a couple of minutes.  Add about 50ml of the stock and cook until the liquid has more or less evaporated.  Stir in the cheese until it melts.  Put a layer of mushroom sauce in an ovenproof dish, then a layer of potatoes.  Season well and repeat, finishing with a layer of potatoes.  Season adn pour the stock over, or as much as will fit in the dish.  Bake 30-50 minutes, about Gas 5

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