Monday 11 May 2020

Spiced Vegetables

Spiced Vegetables

No Count
Serves 4

spray oil
2 med onions, chopped
2 large carrots, peeled and cut into 4 lengthways
1 med cauliflower, divided into very small florets
1 med cooking apple
1 tsp of ground cumin
1 tsp of ground coriander
1 tsp of mustard seeds
1 tsp of turmeric
1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper
2 small(150ml) tubs of low fat plain yoghurt
canned spray oil

1.Heat the oil in a large pan and stir in the prepared vegetables and apple. Cook over a fairly high heat until lightly browned, then turn the heat down to low. Add the spices and yoghurt.
2. Stir and bring to simmering point, then cover and cook gently for 8-10 mins or until the vegetables are just tender.
3. Uncover and increase the heat to reduce pan juices to a good sauce consistency. Season to taste. Serve hot.

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