Monday 11 May 2020

Parsnip & Pear Mash

Parsnip & Pear Mash 

No Count

A great alternative to mashed potatoes, this sweet vegetable accompaniment can be served with hot or cold dishes.

Serves 8

675g parsnips, peeled & chopped
4 large dessert pears, peeled, cored & chopped
2 tbsp skimmed milk
1 tbsp virtually fat free fromage frias
1 med onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
salt & pepper
2 tbsp fresh chopped chives.

Place parsnips and pears in a large pan and cover with salted water.  Boil for 15-20 mins until soft.

Drain and mash well with a potato masher.  Add the skimmed milk and fromage frais and mash until lump free.

Dry fry the onions and garlic in a non-stick pan until soft.  Remove from the heat and add to the mash.  Pile into a warmed serving dish and sprinkle with the chives.

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