Tuesday 2 May 2017

Gammon & Cottage Cheese Pie

Gammon & Cottage Cheese Pie

Core recipe

1lb  new potatoes, cooked and sliced    
40g  gammon or ham         
1 small onion
half small green pepper                             
120g cottage cheese (mashed)
3 eggs beaten                                                
1 tsp mixed herbs              
pinch paprika                         
3 tsps. Dried chopped chives                 
salt & pepper                  
sprig parsley

Pre-heat oven to 200ºC/ Gas mark 6.  Line bottom of flan dish with some of the potatoes.

Dry fry the ham, peppers & onion together for 5 mins until cooked but not brown.

Mix the cottage cheese, eggs & chives in a bowl, then add the seasoning & herbs.  Stir in the gammon, pepper & onion & pour over layer of potatoes.  Overlap the remaining potatoes around sides of flan dish, sprinkle with paprika.

Cook for 30 – 35 minutes until centre is firm, garnish with parsley & serve

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