Monday 15 May 2017

Spinach and Potato Gratin

Spinach and Potato Gratin

Serves 4
7½ points per serving

750g potatoes, peeled and sliced about 5mm thick
750g fresh spinach, washed well
2 tsp olive oil
250g half fat mature cheese, grated
350g tomatoes, sliced
2 eggs
150ml low fat plain yogurt

Preheat oven to 180%c.  

Cook potatoes in large pan of boiling water for 5 minutes, then drain.  Pack the spinach into a very large pan and add a little water.  Cover with a lid and cook for 4-5 minutes, by which time the spinach will have wilted.  Drain spinach well, squeezing out any excess liquid with the back of a spoon.  

Use the olive oil to grease a large shallow ovenproof dish.  Layer half the potatoes over the base, season to taste.  Sprinkle with half the cheese then cover with the spinach.  Top with remaining potatoes and finally a layer of sliced tomatoes.  Scatter the rest of the cheese evenly over the surface.  

Beat together the eggs and yogurt with some seasoning.  Pour this carefully over the cheese then bake for 40-50 minutes or until golden.

*use low fat cooking spray and save ½ point per serving.

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