Friday 12 May 2017

Parsnip and Butterbean Sausages

Parsnip and Butterbean Sausages

Source: SW Magazine Nov/Dec 2001

Serves 1
Core recipe

14oz parsnips chopped            
salt and pepper
4oz canned butterbeans drained
2tsp mustard powder               
3 spring onions sliced
1tsp fresh, chopped rosemary
1 egg beaten                            

Boil the parsnips in salted water for 8-10 mins. until soft. Drain well, place in a bowl with the butterbeans and mustard powder and mash well. Leave to cool.

Add the spring onions, rosemary and egg. Season well and mix together.

Shape into 3 sausages and fry in Frylight for 10-12 mins. until firm and golden.


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