Friday 12 May 2017

Lentil and Potato Pie

Lentil and Potato Pie

Serves 2
Core : count 1pt per person (pickle)

337 KCAL/1.5g fat

175g (6oz) red lentils
1 large chopped onion
350g (12oz) potatoes
2 tablespoons pickle
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
salt and black pepper

Heat oven to 200c/400f/Gas 6
Rinse the lentils and put into a pan with the onion, cover with water and cook slowly for 20 minutes until the lentils are tender and the water is absorbed
Cook the potatoes in salt water, mash and stir the potatoes into the lentils and mix well. Add and mix in the pickle herbs, salt and black pepper.
Put mixture into an oven proof dish and fork, then sprinkle with paprika and back for 20 minutes until crisp and golden.

Serve with veggies or a salad.

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